100 New Herbs, Margaret Roberts

I had really thought when I saw the title for 100 New herbs that Margaret Roberts was going to introduce us to indigenous South African herbs, of which there are plenty. This book is about using herbs in new ways and I really liked the fact that there was a picture of each plant referred to in the book.

100 New Herbs
100 New Herbs

It is noteworthy that these plants are not herbs in the traditional sense of the word. Margaret gives advice on planting a garden and how to feed and protect the organic garden. Plants are listed according to size and type and the useful information includes planting African marigold as an insect repellent. I am so grateful my marigold self seeds with ease and I always have beautiful yellow flowers in my vegetable garden.


In the book you will find recipes for sprays and elixirs and information on each plants’ cultivation, propagation, harvesting and processing as well as companion planting and culinary and medical uses. What disappointed me about this book was the fact that very few of the new herbs are from South / Southern Africa. Out of the 100 New Herbs the following are from Africa:

  • Ashwagandha / Withania (Africa)
  • Bitter Melon (Africa)
  • Blackjack (Worldwide)
  • Coffee (Africa)
  • Cotton (Africa)
  • Devils Claw (Southern Africa) *
  • Niger (Africa)
  • Pelargonium Sidoides (South Africa) *
  • Pretoria Bossie (International)
  • Red brinjal (Congo)
  • Sand olive (Worldwide)
  • Silk tree (Africa)
  • Tamarind (Africa)
  • Vervain (Africa)
  • Wild rose pelargonium / Pelargonium capitatum (South Africa) *
  • Willow (North Africa)

* I will make a plan to add these to my indigenous garden

Publishing information:
ISBN 9781770078734
Format Paperback
Published September 2015
Disclosure: I was sent the book to review by Penguin Random House South Africa. I was not required to write a positive review. This post is in line with my blogging policy.

Take a look at what was previously posted on Lavender and Lime on May 18:

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15 thoughts on “100 New Herbs, Margaret Roberts

  1. Wow, loving this. This book is right up my alley Tandy! I’m familiar with quite a few of the African ones. Gardening is just a constant learning process.

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