A Foodie Quiz Thingy

My friend Cindy has posted this A Foodie Quiz Thingy Foodie Quiz – and here are my answers:

Was there a defining moment, or did you always know that you were a foodie?

I loved spending time in the kitchen with my Gran when I was younger – but did not realize how important being a foodie was to me until it was too late for a professional career in food.

What would you do with 3 courgettes; an apple, an onion, a stick of butter and one cup of flour. You may add one ingredient, plus water.

I would add some sugar and bake a cake

What is the most ghastly tasting thing you have ever eaten?

haggis made by a friend

Haggis For A Foodie Quiz Thingy

What is the ugliest looking thing you have ever eaten?

mopani worms

Assuming you were stranded on an island, there is fire, water and provisions. What single cooking utensil would you want to have with you?

my Le Creuset Tagine

Le Creuset Cherry Tagine
Le Creuset Cherry Tagine

What sign of the Zodiac are you and do you think it influences your cooking character?

Leo, and yes as I like to be in charge in the kitchen

Are you a fanatically tidy or shamefully messy in the kitchen?

extremely tidy

How many frying pans do you own?

in my cupboards at the moment I have 5 (there are more in boxes)

What is your all time dream kitchen appliance to own?

Next on my shopping list is all the attachments for my Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer which is arriving today from yuppiechef

Have you ever had rumpy-pumpy (slap & tickle) in a kitchen?

yes . . .

Lavender and Lime Signature

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13 thoughts on “A Foodie Quiz Thingy

  1. Ah, didn’t think about my tagine …
    Congrats at the arrival of your new baby today, I wish you joy using it. #greenwithenvy
    *faints at the last answer*

    Thanks for doing the quiz 🙂

  2. LOVED the post! So much so that I decided to answer the same quiz! Soo jealous that you have a kitchen aid..they are the future (as my younger would say! ) 🙂

    1. the Kitchen Aid was my Christmas Present – used lots of vouchers to get it and so far I am in LOVE! I waited 24 years for this 🙂

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