Black Garlic Aïoli

Aïoli is a Provençal emulsion sauce of garlic and olive oil. According to Larousse (p5) the name derives from ail meaning garlic and oli for oil. Alioli originated in Spain in the 1st Century AD. It is traditionally served with cold poached fish, bourride, hard-boiled eggs, salads, snails, cold meats, boiled beef and mutton. I have made a black garlic aïoli and served it with stewed vegetables.

Black Garlic Aïoli
Black Garlic Aïoli
Head straight on to the recipe for Black Garlic Aïoli ♥

Black garlic is a result of whole garlic bulbs being heated over a period of several weeks. They become sweet and syrupy and these caramelized black cloves are reminiscent of a good balsamic vinegar. Black garlic is full of flavour but don’t give off that pungent smell and taste one expects from raw garlic. They can be used uncooked to add umami to any recipe. Use in purèes, sauces or flavoured butters. Add as a topping to focaccia or pizza or use as a condiment with your favourite pasta dish.

Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Black Garlic Aïoli ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime Share on X

I had a serious think about my blog while we were away. I’ve reached a point where I’m loving the look and feel of my site and I’m happy with my achievements. But, I was also burnt out and had not one recipe made for October before we left for overseas. Did I want to just pack in all the hard work, or did I want to persevere and cook and bake through the feeling of tediousness? I decided to not make any choices and let the next phase come to me through inspiration. I also decided to not do any recipe development until I had made up my mind. Then I posted a recipe using black garlic where many of my readers asked about the ingredient. And that inspired me to make my black garlic aïoli.

Black Garlic Aïoli
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Black Garlic Aïoli

This condiment is perfect with vegetables, fish and meat
Recipe Category: Condiments
Makes enough for: 1 batch Aïoli
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 4 large cloves black garlic
  • 1 egg
  • 15 mls lemon juice
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to season
  • 250 mls grapeseed oil


  • Place all of the ingredients into a jug suitable for a stick blender
  • Place the stick blender into the jug, covering the egg yolk
  • Process on high, slowly lifting the stick blender as the ingredients thicken

Please excuse the photos – these were taken in a serious rush!

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime October 3:

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26 thoughts on “Black Garlic Aïoli

  1. I have been waiting for this post – I was so intrigued to read about black garlic in your last one and so delighted to find out that it’s not some exotic, hard to procure form of garlic – Tandy, now that I know what black garlic is, your black garlic aioli sounds so delicious!

  2. Yes, sometimes blogging is a challenge. Particularly if you are busy or like to work to a routine (both things I know are true of you). I hope you continue as I enjoy the stories you include with your recipes but you need to do what is best for you. Perhaps with the cottage done, you have new interests and pursuits and blogging is no longer fresh. Ultimately, you’ll do what is right for you. All the best. xxx

  3. I had no idea this was how black garlic was made, Tandy! I also had Aïoli with a side in Mallorca in Spain recently for the first time ever and it was absolutely delicious. Thanks so much for the recipe!

  4. I need a large utensil holder like that. I also have no drawers in my kitchen! I thought I was the only person with that problem. I think the previous owners removed the drawers to add the dishwasher.

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