Bone Marrow And Artichoke Heart Risotto

I turned an artichoke to get the heart so that I could make this Bone Marrow And Artichoke Heart Risotto using my favourite ingredients.

Take a look at this inspiring recipe for ♥ Bone Marrow And Artichoke Heart Risotto ♥ from Lavender and Lime #LavenderAndLime Share on X

The challenge I set this week was to use pea shoots – but even though they are in season I could not find any. So, I reset the challenge and chose artichokes for this month’s regional and seasonal item. I have used the pea shoots before here as a garnish to compliment my peas, but I was really looking forward to trying them as part of a recipe. The artichokes we get in South Africa are not the same ones we had in Italy – those ones are small and soft, and do not need long hours of water to make them palatable. So, yesterday for the first time, I turned an artichoke to get the heart. I now know why they cost so much. It is worth the effort if you have the time.

Now, having bought the artichokes I was walking to the till when I walked past a punnet of marrow bones. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them and a meal was formulated.

Bone Marrow And Artichoke Heart Risotto
Bone Marrow and Artichoke Heart Risotto
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Bone Marrow and Artichoke Heart Risotto

Recipe Category: Italian
Makes enough for: 2 people
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 750 mls vegetable stock
  • 8 marrow bones
  • 15 mls olive oil
  • 10 g butter
  • 10 spring onions, finely chopped
  • 2 ribs celery, finely sliced
  • 1 carrot, finely chopped
  • 200 g risotto rice
  • 125 mls vermouth
  • flaked salt for seasoning
  • 4 artichoke hearts, cut up
  • 50 g Parmesan cheese, grated
  • 50 g butter


  • bring the stock to a gentle simmer
  • add the marrow bones and leave to poach
  • the marrow bones can be removed as soon as they have cooked through
  • take the marrow out of the bone with a knife and cut into half
  • put the olive oil and the butter into a large sauté pan and gently fry the onion, celery, and carrot until soft
  • add the artichoke hearts
  • add the rice and turn up the heat slightly
  • stir continuously until the rice goes transparent
  • add the vermouth while you carry on stirring
  • turn the heat down and add a ladle of the stock, you do not need to stir the whole time while the stock absorbs
  • add a generous pinch of salt and the next ladle of stock
  • stir the stock in and when it has absorbed, add another pinch of salt
  • add a ladle at a time, stirring once or twice while it absorbs
  • when you are down to the last ladle, adjust the seasoning
  • add the marrow bones
  • add the last ladle, and check to see if the rice is cooked
  • add the Parmesan
  • remove from the heat, stir in the butter and serve immediately


the most important part of making a risotto is to make sure everything is prepared and ready to use before you start!

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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11 thoughts on “Bone Marrow And Artichoke Heart Risotto

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Bone Marrow and Artichoke Heart Risotto « Lavender and Lime --
  2. oh boy ! my 3 all time weaknesses ! marrow bones and artichokes and risotto! what are you doing to me Tandy !

  3. We had artichokes last night that Eric got in Stellenbosch. I was rather under-whelmed. We just boiled them and served them with lemon butter. Perhaps we should try them in your Risotto! Have a super weekend.

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