Bread and butter pickles are a marinated variety of pickled cucumbers and onion in a solution of vinegar, sugar, and spices.
Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Bread And Butter Pickles ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X
It is always a sad day when someone you know dies, and to be there when it happens is devastating. Ask me, I know. In this world of ours called blogland we get to ‘meet’ some interesting people along the way. Some we just pop in once in a while to say “hi” or to see how they are doing, and others we visit every day. I have been following Recipes by the Haggis and the Herring for over a year now, but only as an observer. In October last year I awarded them the versatile blogger award and if you have not yet read their blog, head on over and see the amazing array of recipes on offer. Sadly, Meredith shared with us her sad news that Daniel had passed away, surrounded by his family. She ends her tribute to him by saying: Anee L’Dohdee V’Dohdee Lee (אני לדודי ודודי לי | I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine). As a tribute to Dan, the members of The Secret Recipe Club are posting today – to remember, to create a new memory, to hold some light out for Meredith, her two children, and for the baby yet to be born. May G-d hold you forever in the palms of His hand, and show you the everlasting gift of peace.
When choosing my recipe I went for bread and butter pickles. Bread and butter is the term one uses for so many things – the everyday income earned, the staple food on the table, and for me, it means the ordinary. At a wedding I went to the Priest offered the following words to the newly wed couple “I wish you many ordinary days”. It sounds like a strange wish, but it is the ordinary days that are most common, and with love, we can endure them. Meredith, I hope you had many ordinary days and even though they were too short by far, may the memories you made during them be the ones that keep the love alight.
What does bread and butter mean to you?

Bread And Butter Pickles
- 1 small English cucumber, sliced into 1/2 cm rounds
- 1 medium red onion, thinly sliced
- 80 mls white vinegar
- 60 mls apple cider vinegar
- 15 mls fine salt
- 1.25 mls turmeric
- 10 mls mustard seeds
- 2.5 mls dried red chilli flakes
- 1 cinnamon quill
- 4 whole cloves
- 1 star anise
- 1 cardamom pod, bruised
- Place the cucumber and the onion in a large microwave-safe bowl
- In a separate bowl, whisk the remaining ingredients together
- Pour the mixture on top of the cucumber and onion mixture
- Microwave on high for four minutes
- Stir, and microwave on high for an additional 3 minutes
- Spoon the ingredients into a large sterilized glass jar
- Allow to cool before refrigerating
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
What I blogged:
- one year ago – in my kitchen – October 2011
- two years ago – flavoured Italian rolls
To see all the tribute posts, click here:
Hi Tandy, what a beautiful post, so gently written with such well chosen soft words. Bread and butter is as you say the ordinary, and the sustaining.
Thank you for the compliment Claire 🙂
Your post reminds us that days that don’t seem eventful–where we have the people we hold dear in our lives–they are a gift. My thoughts are with Meredith during this difficult time.
I’d love some of those pickles on a smoked meat sandwich for lunch . . .
And I have some smoked meat in the fridge ….. Thank you for your comment Barb 🙂
It is so sad Tandy …
Thanks for the recipe.
It is very sad Hope!
Look awesome nice tribute I loved Daniel recipes!
I made my too!
Thank you for the visit Gloria 🙂
Tandy, what a gorgeous post! You are blessed, my friend =D on a separate note, I tried to fry bread and butter pickles and I decided that they’re best eaten straight out of the jar with the fridge door wide open =D
ha ha, you explain eating them so well! Thank you for the compliment 🙂
Great choice and moving tribute. I love the quote about ordinary days – so true.
That comment really struck home Katherine 🙂
These look great – a perfect way to honor Daniel
thank you Amy 🙂
Lovely thoughtful post, Tandy.I’m so sad for your friend. I love your thoughts on “ordinary days.” I hope that Meredith finds comfort in the love and support of all her friends.
I hope so too AD 🙂
Beautiful post Tandy – bread and butter, the staff of life, the stuff of everyday.
Thank you Tanya, that was my way of thinking 🙂
Bread and butter pickles are the staff of life, even for those who think they don’t like them. 🙂
Indeed Tamar 🙂
A beautiful post my friend with a wonderful recipe to commemorate and remember an important person
thank you Uru 🙂
A lovely tribute and beautiful post.
thank you Lisa 🙂
Lovely post, Tandy. xx
thanks Celia 🙂
Bread and butter. Last year I visited friends who have a farm. Homemade bread and their butter. I regret to say I laid the butter on THICK and loved every scrap. Odd because I seldom have butter on bread these days.
now, that sounds divine – nothing beats farm butter 🙂
It’s always not easy to write a post for remembering a friend passed away. I like the idea to pay tribute with and ‘ordinary’ ingredient like butter or bread. Lovely, spicy picckles!
Thank you Rita, it was a difficult week of sad posts!
Gosh Tandy I am so sorry for Meredith’s loss. I wish her a peace that surpasses all understanding. I am sorry too that you have lost a friend.
Thank you my friend xox
Absolutely beautiful tribute. I’m so proud to be part of the SRC community.
me too Colleen, and thanks for the visit 🙂
Hugs, Tandy!! So sorry to hear about this! xx
thank you Zirkie xox
Hi Tandy,
God bless Daniel soul may he be in heaven… I loved your tribute to him, you choose the essential food bread with the most delicious one butter to commemorate Daniels’ travel (this is the way I like to think about these kinds of separation)… My prayers are for Meredith and all his family during this difficult time.
thank you so much for the kind words Imane 🙂