This week, the challenge will be easy. You have to make a dish using 'leftovers'. If you take part in the challenge to use left overs, please link back to my blog and let me know that you have done so in order for me to include you in the round up. As usual, there … Continue reading Left Overs For The Something Savoury Challenge
Category: Quizzes
Use A Savoury Ingredient In A Sweet Dish
Use A Savoury Ingredient In The Sweet Challenge I love that you can use a savoury ingredient to make something sweet. Sorry everyone, but this week it is going to be a difficult challenge! Well, difficult for people who cannot think out of the box and move savoury ingredients into the sweet category. The challenge is … Continue reading Use A Savoury Ingredient In A Sweet Dish
Food Quiz Number 49 For A Friday
PinkPolkaDot on food24 has posted her weekly Food Quiz Number 49 For A Friday. If you would like to do the quiz, please pop on over to her blog and leave a comment that you have done so, with a link to your blog so that she can find you! I would like to say … Continue reading Food Quiz Number 49 For A Friday
Regional and Seasonal Challenge: White Onions
This week's challenge is really easy! All you have to do is create something using white onions which are in season right now. Once you have done so, post a blog with a link back to my blog and you will be in next week's round up. Please leave me a comment to let me … Continue reading Regional and Seasonal Challenge: White Onions
Chocolate And Sour Cream Ingredient Challenge
Ingredient Challenge Chocolate And Sour Cream The challenge this week is to bake something using chocolate and sour cream. If you take part in the challenge, please link back to my blog, and let me know in the comments so that I can include you in the round up. Chocolate is the one ingredient that I … Continue reading Chocolate And Sour Cream Ingredient Challenge
Food Quiz Number 47 For A Friday
OK, I know, it is Monday - but where on earth did Pink think I would find the time to do this!? I finally met our darling blogger this weekend, and I am so glad I did. You can also do the quiz if you want to and don't forget, if you are not a … Continue reading Food Quiz Number 47 For A Friday
Something Sweet Challenge: Use Dessert Wine
Something Sweet Challenge: Use Dessert Wine This week, the challenge is to bake something sweet using a dessert wine. If you take part in the challenge, please link back to my blog, and let me know in the comments so that I can include you in the round up. I have a love affair with … Continue reading Something Sweet Challenge: Use Dessert Wine
Food Quiz Number 46 For A Friday
PinkPolkaDot has posted Friday’s Food Quiz Number 46, and here are my answers: 1. Where did the dish Trinchado originate from? Portugal 2. Even though this is classified as a cheese, it is actually a by-product of cheese making. Its name means literally 'recooked.' Name this cheese. Ricotta 3. The tree "Myristica fragrans", has aromatic, … Continue reading Food Quiz Number 46 For A Friday
Table Etiquette and Manners
When I want to know something, I turn to my trust Larousse and read what it has to say. I have dropped my Larousse on my foot and needless to say, my foot came off second best, with a broken bone and a bruise of note. Dave was grateful I did not damage the Larousse … Continue reading Table Etiquette and Manners
Friday’s Food Quiz Number 45
PinkPolkaDot has posted a quiz, and here are my answers: 1. What are the main ingredients of ”char siu” sauce? pork, honey, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, rice wine and Chinese 5 spice powder 2. What is the difference between Salmon and Trout? Salmon migrate upstream to lay eggs, whereas trout stay in the same place … Continue reading Friday’s Food Quiz Number 45
Spanish Chicken
For the ingredient challenge I decided to use the Spanish Chicken recipe from Le Creuset as a base. I could not follow the recipe exactly as one of the guests we were having for dinner does not eat pork and so I substituted the chorizo. I was fortunate enough to have a friend with an … Continue reading Spanish Chicken
Ingredient Challenge: Lemons, Smoked Paprika And Black Olives
Ingredient Challenge: Lemons, Smoked Paprika And Black Olives The ingredient challenge this week is to make a dish with the following ingredients: lemons, smoked paprika and black olives. You can use any other ingredients to make a dish. Once you have done so, post your recipe with a link back to this post and leave a message here … Continue reading Ingredient Challenge: Lemons, Smoked Paprika And Black Olives
Friday’s Food Quiz Number 44
PinkPolkaDot has posted her quiz - here are my answers: 1. What is the most widely fish eaten in the world? I would guess Tuna or white fish - hake in South Africa 2. What fruits were crossed to produce the nectarine? even though it is commonly thought that a nectarine is a cross cultivar … Continue reading Friday’s Food Quiz Number 44
Recipe For Peaches Poached In Sweet White Wine
We have the most amazing varietels of sweet white wines in South Africa, and even though I don't drink them, I always buy a bottle if I find the estate impressive. This week's challenge was to make something sweet using peaches. Woolworths have these lovely doughnut dessert peaches and I knew this would be the … Continue reading Recipe For Peaches Poached In Sweet White Wine
Friday’s Food Quiz Number 43
PinkPolkaDot has posted the first quiz of the year - here are my answers: 1. What are goujons? They are pieces of chicken or fish which are cut into strips, breaded and then deep fried 2. What is Spirulina? blue green algae taken in tablet form as a diet supplement (when I was on this … Continue reading Friday’s Food Quiz Number 43
Results Of The Come Dine With Me Challenge
Results Of The Come Dine With Me Challenge Despite a really positive feedback about The Come Dine With Me Challenge, only two people entered. I am most grateful to my two loyal supporters and to thank you both for competing, you will each be getting a piece of cake jewellery! PinkPolkaDot was the first to … Continue reading Results Of The Come Dine With Me Challenge
Oyster Mushrooms Challenge
Regional and Seasonal Challenge: Oyster Mushrooms To kick of the year this week's regional and seasonal challenge is to make something using oyster mushrooms. They can be a part of the ingredients used and do not have to be a stand alone component of your dish. We are very fortunate to get a large assortment … Continue reading Oyster Mushrooms Challenge
A Foodie Quiz Thingy
My friend Cindy has posted this A Foodie Quiz Thingy Foodie Quiz - and here are my answers: Was there a defining moment, or did you always know that you were a foodie? I loved spending time in the kitchen with my Gran when I was younger - but did not realize how important being … Continue reading A Foodie Quiz Thingy
Food Quiz Number 42 For A Friday
The original Friday’s Food Quiz Number 42 can be found on PinkPolkaDot's Blog. If you would like to take part, please let her know. Here are my answers: 1. Tabbouleh is a traditional bulgur wheat dish from which country? Lebanon 2. What is an Empanada? A pie or pastry filled with meat or fish, popular … Continue reading Food Quiz Number 42 For A Friday
Yuppiechef Challenge
Yuppiechef have challenged us to recall our earliest cooking memory. I did a similar post here but, I have a lovely memory to share. My relationship with food goes back for as long as I can remember, and most of my memories of food have to do with my Grandmother. My Grandmother was an awesome … Continue reading Yuppiechef Challenge