Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream

Summer has been an absolutely fun time of experimenting with ice cream flavours. There are so many in my freezer that I could open my own gelateria. I have taken to labelling them so that we know which flavour is in which container. One of the flavours that I created this summer was a chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. This was after I made the chocolate fudge brownie parcels. The trick here is to get the brownie mixture to melt into the base so that you do not have a gritty feeling in your mouth when you eat the ice cream. Don’t be limited by using brownies, the original recipe calls for gingerbread and I am quite sure you can use any leftover cake – if there ever is – to make this version of my ice cream. What flavour ice cream would you like a recipe for? And do you have a favourite that you order each time you go out for a treat? My favourite is nocciolo which is the first scoop I have every time we go to Italy.

Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream
Chocolate Fudge Brownie Parcels and Ice Cream
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Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream

Recipe Category: Dessert
Makes enough for: 1 batch ice cream
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from KitchenAid recipe book page 10


  • 600 mls milk
  • 150 g brownies, broken up into very small pieces
  • 100 g fructose
  • 15 mls honey
  • 6 egg yolks


  • In a heavy bottomed sauce pan, scald the milk
  • Add the brownies and stir until melted
  • Whisk together the fructose, honey and egg yolks until ribbon stage
  • Slowly pour into the milk mixture
  • Remove from the heat and allow to cool before refrigerating overnight
  • Churn for 15 minutes using a Kitchen Aid churner and freeze until needed


Follow the churning instructions on your ice cream churner if you don't have a Kitchen Aid

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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34 thoughts on “Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream

  1. Hi Tandy, I must be one of the few people that doesn’t have an ice cream maker. It is not that I wouldn’t like to have one…my husband worries about all the ice cream that he will eat. He LOVES it. All of you posts on desserts always sound great.

  2. Oh my, I love everything about this. I don’t own a ice cream maker. Your ice cream looks delicious 🙂

  3. Pingback: Jane’s Crunchy Pecan Salmon, Salsa Verde and a Kale Salad » Just a Smidgen
  4. Oooh, I to try this! I make ice cream at home without a machine though, and don’t use eggs. But that means tons of sugar with condensed milk. I wonder if there’s a way to do this recipe without a machine? I like this because that way I can control the sugar content. It sounds like HEAVEN!!

    1. If you don’t have an ice cream machine just place the custard into the freezer and take out after a couple of hours and give it a good whisk to break up any ice crystals – that works wonders 🙂

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