This is Dave’s recipe for Chorizo And Mushroom Pasta. The chorizo came back with us from Italy on our visit. Together with some truffle products. It had been truffle season while we were there and of course we could not resist buying a few jars. At the time we bought these they were available in South Africa, but at ten times the price. Whereas I don’t mind paying a premium for imported products, I do mind being ripped off. We also spent our Euros on a lovely Chorizo sausage. This was vacuum packed for us, and was really nice and spicy. It added a depth of flavour to our pasta dish. We often cook with only a few ingredients when making pasta sauces. This allows the individual ingredients to shine. Unlike the Italians, Dave is more generous with his toppings.

After the Chorizo had been fried, the sliced mushrooms were added to the pan. As soon as they had cooked Dave added some Salsa Tartufata (Truffle and Mushroom mix) and this was served on a bed of pasta.
In going back over some of my recipes I can see how dismal my photographs were.
I’d also have smuggled some produce into the country.
(Where did you get the Salsa Tartufata? Also in Italy, or can it be sourced locally?)
I keep an innocent face when we come through customs! The Tartufata came back from Italy and is sadly finished 🙁 I have never seen it here but if anyone would have something like that, I am sure it would be Thrupps – if it is the same as when we left 10 years ago!
Thrupps is still fabulous, will let you know if I find the product.
please do, I did not find the time to get there while I was in JNB but might treat myself to a visit to CPT soon 🙂