My Mom, Monica went on a course to learn to make sugar flowers – and I could not wait to get her to show me how to make them. You have to be very patient but I must say the end result was worth having to start over a few times. My one flower was no where near as good as my mom’s, and she has really impressed me with her work.

You can order flowers or a cake for a special occasion by contacting Monica via email If you live in the Johannesburg area you could win a single layer, 20cm round cake iced and with flowers.

In order to win this you have to participate in one of the challenges I set this month. I will decide who the winner is and let you know. Please just drop a comment here if you do a challenge.
Those really are beautiful! Good luck to all the entrants. Have a happy weekend.
🙂 Mandy
have a great weekend as well 🙂
Eish … *wonders if she could be lucky enough after winning Tandy’s sister’s beautiful cake angel*
as my only JNB participant so far, you could be!
Im teaching myself how to do sugar flowers. Did you do the top or the bottom one. They are gorgeous.
I did one whole daisy – the rest my mom did! Well done to you on teaching yourself 🙂
She does gorgeous work. I envy and marvel at that kind of skill. I hope you have a great day. Blessings…Mary
I also wish I had the patience for making the roses 🙂 Wishing you a lovely Monday 🙂
They are exquisite!
Mommy is so talented 🙂
I’ve never seen anything so beautiful!!! Your mom is a genius!!!
thank you Rita – I will be sure to tell her 🙂
I really envy such talent, Tandy – beautiful, delicate flowers
I wish I had the patience to make them as well as my mom 🙂