For more than 3000 years coriander has been cultivated for its aromatic foliage, roots and seeds. All of these have been found in the tombs of the Pharaohs. Coriander resembles flat leaf parsley although it is more tender in texture forming rosettes of long, thinly stalked leaves arising from a crown. The leaves are dissected into wedge shaped segments developing a fern like appearance. Vietnamese coriander is a leafy perennial used in tropical areas. The leaves of Mexican coriander (cilantro) are strongly aromatic.

Coriander needs good air circulation, a sunny position and adequate fertilizing. Sow this annual directly into the garden in spring after the last frost. Weed the crop regularly and protect the plants from water stress. Harvest the seed crop when half the seeds on the plant have turned brown. Tie harvested stems into bunches and then hang them upside down in paper bags to trap the falling seed. Once the plant is full size, harvest foliage to use fresh at any time.
The pungent leaves and stalks are popular in Southeast Asian, Middle Eastern, South American and Mexican cooking, in salads, soups, legume dishes, curries and stir fries. In India the leaf is used in types of fresh chutneys. Long cooking destroys the flavour of the leaves so add them just before serving. Roast the seeds to enhance their flavour. Used whole or ground their mild, slightly sweet taste works well in sweet and savoury dishes and in sauces such as harissa. The fibre in ground seeds absorbs liquid and helps to thicken curries and stews. The root has more intense flavour than leaves. It is used in Thai cooking especially, pounded into curry pastes. You can try my lamb tagine or these Thai inspired meatballs.
information sourced from The Complete Book of Herbs
I am a self-confessed coriander addict! I even eat it with melted cheese on toast… it’s possibly the best herb ever!
I have to try that – it sounds divine 🙂
I am going to plant it all over my front garden this summer!
I must also plant some more this spring 🙂
Aah yes, my most favourite herb of them all!
🙂 Mandy
one of my favourites as well 🙂
I love it but know so many who hate it – it seems to divide people greatly!
it is an acquired taste 🙂
It’s funny, I’ve found people either love or hate cilantro. I love it. Though I can grow so many things, this is one herb I have a problem with and I can’t figure out why.
It is so plentiful here in southern California all year round I can get it anytime of year at the grocery store.
I have grown to love it. Try putting the cilantro in a different place maybe?
This is one herb we’re struggling to grow in the garden – whenever we plant it, it bolts straight to seed! Which is a shame, as we use it a lot in Chinese cooking…
have you tried putting it in a pot?
I have never had fresh coriander. I once bought the dry spice the taste reminded me of boerewors of which is not my fave. Maybe the fresh leaves will taste different.
the taste is very pungent and takes a lot of getting used to 🙂
I just cannot get used to fresh coriander!! I love the seeds though!
I thought of you while doing this post – and the two after that I have not yet published, about coriander 🙂