I made this Cranberry And Cointreau Ice Cream for Christmas as it has the perfect flavours for the festive season in my opinion.
Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Cranberry And Cointreau Ice Cream ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X
Today, being the last working day of the year for me I am concentrating on the joys I have found in blogging. This post is dedicated to Buttercup. Buttercup was introduced to my blog by my friend Cindy (check out my daily diary page to see the ‘gift’ I have left there for Cindy). When I posted my ice cream recipe, Buttercup said she would much prefer Rum and Raisin. I however, cannot drink Rum – too much sugar in that, and I am not partial to raisins unless they are in my granola. So, I thought about what would be festive for Christmas and decided that cranberries were just the thing. Then, as I would need an alcohol to replace the Rum, I thought that the nice orange flavour of Cointreau would work perfectly.

When we find ourselves in the duty free section of the airport I gravitate to the Cointreau. For some reason or other, it is always cheapest to buy it there. This is not the case with all the alcohol that is available which is a pity. Or a good thing, as I would buy a fair amount of whisky and that would make my case fairly heavy.
Cranberry and Cointreau Ice Cream
- 290 mls milk
- 4 egg yolks
- 110 g fructose
- 30 mls Cointreau
- 290 mls cream
- 100 g dried cranberries
- heat the milk in a sauce pan until it is nearly boiling
- while you are doing this, whisk the egg yolks and the fructose until they reach ribbon stage
- add half of the milk to the eggs while whisking
- pour the mixture back into the sauce pan and whisk in
- cook over a moderate heat while stirring all the time with a wooden spoon
- as soon as it has thickened enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon add the Cointreau and mix in well
- when mixed take off the heat and whisk into the cream
- place all the ingredients into your ice cream maker
- churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions
- pour into an ice cream container and stir in the cranberries
- place into the freezer and after a couple of hours mix the ice cream to ensure an even distribution of the cranberries
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
Now this is what I call Ice Cream!
🙂 Mandy
it was lovely, bad sadly all finished 🙂
Wow! Now I don’t have to get the same old boring ice cream for Christmas. My family will really enjoy their Christmas dessert.
enjoy! my plan was to have this for Christmas, but sadly it is all eaten 🙂