Decorated Swiss Roll

Despite its name, the Swiss Roll was not a dessert created in Switzerland. It is known by various names around the world. This roulade can be filled with jam, cream or butter cream as I have done here. I added blueberries to my decorated Swiss roll to cut through the sweetness.

Decorated Swiss Roll
Decorated Swiss Roll
Head straight on to the recipe for Decorated Swiss Roll ♥

I am still in a mad rush to get dishes made and photographed for my blog. I have decided that the best route to take is to make tried and tested recipes. The first one I attempted was a soufflé. I saw this on another blog and the dish had been extracted from a recipe book. The method was completely different to the one I use and I gave it a go. I made the soufflé three times. The first one was exactly as per the recipe and the second two were with minor adjustments to get the dessert to bake properly. After the third try I just gave up. This has been my first souffle failure ever! The second recipe was a vegetable quiche. I changed the vegetables as I was looking to use up what was in my fridge.

Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Decorated Swiss Roll ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime #daringkitchen Share on X

The pastry did not bake, leaving me with a soggy bottom and the filling did not set. Thankfully I could bake it for longer to get the filling firm but this still did not help with the pastry. Two recipes, two dishes I could not blog. And a feeling of despair as I felt time running away from me. My third failure was my first attempt at this decorated Swiss roll. The decorations worked out wonderfully. I ‘drew’ flowers onto the base and they were really pretty. But the sponge was too dense and did not roll up. Knowing I would not be able to post my Daring Kitchen challenge on time left me feeling frustrated. I turned to James Martin for some help and thankfully his recipe worked like a charm. I think the biggest secret is the damp dishtowel.

Decorated Swiss Roll

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Decorated Swiss Roll

This is a very fancy tea time treat which needs to be served fresh
Recipe Category: Baking
Makes enough for: 1 Swiss roll
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from James's Desserts page 116


for the decorated Swiss roll

  • 125 g caster sugar, divided, plus extra for dusting
  • 4 eggs
  • 1.25 mls vanilla purée
  • 125 g flour, sifted
  • 2 drops food colouring gel

for the butter cream

  • 225 g butter
  • 250 g caster sugar
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 100 mls cream

for the decorated Swiss roll

  • 100 g blueberries, optional, or any berries in season


for the decorated Swiss roll

  • Preheat the oven to 200° Celsius
  • Place 60g caster sugar onto a baking tray and place into the oven while it is preheating for 5 minutes and remove
  • Put the rest of the caster sugar and the eggs into a stand mixer bowl
  • Use a balloon whisk on a medium setting and whisk until thickened
  • Add the heated sugar and continue whisking until pale and well combined
  • Pour the flour down the side of the mixture and gently fold in
  • Remove 60mls of the batter and add the food colouring
  • Pour the mixture into a piping bag and pipe your desired pattern onto a lined Swiss roll tin
  • Put the tin into the fridge for 5 minutes
  • Remove and carefully pour the remaining batter into the tin, levelling it off
  • Bake for 12 minutes
  • Place a damp tea towel onto your work bench and cover with baking paper
  • Dust the baking paper with caster sugar
  • Flip the cooked sponge onto the baking paper and carefully remove the baking paper you used to line the tin
  • Leave to cool completely

for the butter cream

  • Put the butter into a stand mixer bowl and beat using a K beater until soft
  • Place the caster sugar and egg yolks into a mixing bowl and whisk to a ribbon stage
  • Add the cream and whisk until smooth
  • Place the bowl over a bain-marie and whisk until frothy
  • Remove from the heat and continue whisking until cold
  • Slowly add to the butter with the mixer on a slow setting, until combined

for the decorated Swiss roll

  • Flip the sponge over so that the decorated side is on the bottom
  • Carefully spread a thin layer of the buttercream onto the sponge
  • Scatter the blueberries down the middle width of the sponge
  • Roll up as tightly as possible and transfer to a serving plate
  • Put it into the fridge to set up before serving


Decorated Swiss Roll

This is my contribution to this months’ Daring Kitchen Challenge hosted by Korena

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime October 31:

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30 thoughts on “Decorated Swiss Roll

  1. I haven’t had a swiss roll in the longest time. Funny enough was just thinking about one the other day – not sure why.
    Have a wonderful week Tandy.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  2. 5 stars
    This looks amazing Tandy. I have never had much luck with the rolling part of Swiss rolls lol.

  3. So sorry about your fails Tandy, but this was a delightfully GORGEOUS success! I’ve struggled with swiss rolls too – and, I couldn’t agree more- that damp dish towel helps so much!

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