Enkosi Cookathon Hosted By Yuppiechef

I love a challenge and last year had an absolute blast with the Community Cookathon hosted by yuppiechef. So, I had to take part in this year’s Enkosi Cookathon, not only for the challenge, but because I love supporting yuppiechef.

Enkosi Cookathon
Enkosi Cookathon

Part of the challenge was to cook 7 dishes – and for me, where to start? Should I start with the bobotie:

Babotie For Enkosi Cookathon

or head straight for the dessert of melktert?

Melktert for Enkosi Cookathon

or even better, malva pudding!

malva pudding
malva pudding

However, I decided to start with the spicy chicken livers:

spicy chicken livers
spicy chicken livers

and followed this up with sugar free koeksisters – who knew the sugar free syrup would be as good as the real deal!


I followed this by cooking a lamb curry over two days:

lamb curry
lamb curry

being truly South African it is amazing I have never made phutu pap before. Sadly the given recipe for the pap and relish were not the best of the bunch and so what you see here is a BIG adaptation!

Pap And Wors With A Tomato And Onion Relish
Pap And Wors With A Tomato And Onion Relish

ps – all the dishes here represent my adaption of the recipes. I will post recipes slowly but surely for what I did. The word links will take you to the original recipes, which I adapted. And some of the photo’s already have links up as I have blogged the recipes already!

For the challenge I have recooked the first three dishes!
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40 thoughts on “Enkosi Cookathon Hosted By Yuppiechef

  1. This is sad– but I read the title and thought, “ooo- enoki mushrooms! what a fantastic idea!” as I learned to like mushrooms via enoki mushrooms. Your dishes are a better way to increase my culinary breadth though.

  2. Had to check out these dishes to see just what they involved–and all look so good! Especially all the spices. Mmm, the spices is Bobotie sound particularly delicious.

  3. Well done!
    I’m looking forward to those recipes. Especially the sugar free Koeksisters.
    The first time I had Malva Pudding was in Canada, would you believe I didn’t know it? I wonder why it’s called Malva Pudding.
    Fortunately I just saw the blog Award vote button down here 😉

    1. Thanks Tok – I made a sugar free malva pudding which was sweet as can be – and I will have to do some research as to why it is called that! Have a great day 🙂

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