Food Quiz Number 42 For A Friday

The original Friday’s Food Quiz Number 42 can be found on PinkPolkaDot’s Blog. If you would like to take part, please let her know. Here are my answers:

1. Tabbouleh is a traditional bulgur wheat dish from which country?


Tabbouleh for Friday’s Food Quiz Number 42

2. What is an Empanada?

A pie or pastry filled with meat or fish, popular all over Spain and in parts of South America

3. What is Ganache?

A flavoured cream made with chocolate and fresh cream. Butter can be added. It is used to decorate desserts, fill cakes and sweets and to make truffles and petit fours.

4. How many grams are the following?

250ml grated cheddar cheese?


250ml coconut?


5. What is Schiacciata Con Uvo?

Italian Bread Dough

6. Milk from which animal is used to make authentic mozzarella cheese?


7. Cassis, a liqueur, is flavored with what?

Black currants

8 Almonds are the family of which fruit?


9. What is bigoli?

pasta with a whole through the middle

10. What is a mooli?

A white radish

These are my answers to Friday’s Food Quiz Number 42. How many of them did you know?

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