Food Quiz Number 50 For A Friday

PinkPolkaDot has posted Friday’s Food Quiz Number 50 – if you would like to participate, please go over to her blog! Here are my answers to Food Quiz Number 50.

1. What is a Mozart cake?

a chocolate mousse cake made in a pastry shell

2. What is chimichurri?

it is a green sauce made from parsley, with garlic, olive oil and chilli

3. What are the ingredients of Gözleme?

pastry, spinach and feta

4. Since when was the Merry Mary cocktails enjoyed?

since the 1920’s?

5. How many grams is one cup (250ml) of nuts?

according to my scale 150g

6. What nutty legume accounts for one sixth of the world’s vegetable oil production?

peanut oil

7. What are the main ingredients of Glühwein?

red wine, cloves, cinnamon, oranges

Food Quiz Number 50
Glüwein With Mulling Spices And Citrus

8. What type of lettuce was called Crisphead until the 1920s?


9. What is another name for an Italian flatbread?


10. What is a Frappé?

cold coffee with cold foamed milk

These quizzes used to be a mainstay of my weekend blogging and something I miss. I am back here 9 years later doing some editing. And I am reminded of how much fun these were to take part in.

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