Frozen Yoghurt

I’ve yet to taste commercial frozen yoghurt as it has sugar in it, but I’ve longed for it for quite some time now. I love yoghurt but in an attempt to reduce my dairy intake I’ve had to come up with some alternatives. When I mentioned to my friend Kim that we could get green (young) coconuts here, she sent me a recipe for coconut yoghurt. However since she sent me the recipe I’ve not been able to get the juvenile coconuts, or source coconut water anywhere. I adapted her recipe and once I had made the yoghurt I decided that as it was so thin I would turn it into frozen yoghurt. This recipe is tart and if you prefer things sweeter then add some honey to the mixture before churning.

have you ever made your own yoghurt?

Frozen Yoghurt Smoothie
Frozen Yoghurt Smoothie
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Frozen Yoghurt

Recipe Category: Dessert
Makes enough for: 1 batch frozen yoghurt
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 1 tin coconut cream
  • 15 mls lemon juice
  • 5 mls vanilla extract
  • 250 g mixed berries


  • Place the coconut cream, lemon juice and vanilla into a container
  • Mix well and refrigerate overnight
  • Add the berries to the yoghurt and place into your ice cream maker
  • Churn until thick – this took me 10 minutes in my Kitchen Aid churner

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

With my frozen yoghurt I made a smoothie using a banana and 15mls of honey. It was really tasty and healthy! I keep bananas in the freezer in the skin. I only do this because I am lazy. But if I had the time and the inclination, I would peel them and cut them into chunks.

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29 thoughts on “Frozen Yoghurt

  1. this sounds yummy– i love coconut ice cream or yogurt–i had a lovely coconut, coffee ice cream and a coconut mango yogurt on my recent trip to india

  2. Just in time for when I get my ice-cream maker. Yum yum.

    I love the idea of dessert far more than I like most of them (too much sugar) so I am really looking forward to making my own (sweetish) treats at levels sweetness I enjoy.

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