Griddled Flatbreads

With the internet not playing friendly during my leave break nothing has gone to plan. I’ve been writing my blog drafts on my BlackBerry and hoping against hope to have enough access to the internet to post something. My blog has been so quiet that it has also had a vacation. Knowing I’m away for 10 days in January means that normal service will resume only in February. I wanted to get all my recipes onto ziplist (even though it has a gremlin) and I also updated the look of my blog. A few minor changes and I can say that I’m finally happy with it. I’ve taken off all my badges and certificates and as soon as I can I will add them into the actual post they relate to! In the meantime I’ve been cooking up a storm and my dishwasher has been working overtime. My first challenge completed for 2013 is for griddled flatbreads. These can be served straight off the grill or kept until cool. Dave and I had them for dinner with some chilli infused chicken livers.

did you take an internet break in December?

Griddled Flatbreads
Griddled Flatbreads
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Griddled Flatbreads

Recipe Category: Bread
Makes enough for: 1 batch flatbreads
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from 80 recipes for your bread maker pages 88 - 89


  • 175 mls water
  • 15 mls milk
  • 30 mls olive oil
  • 275 g bread flour
  • 100 g wholewheat bread flour
  • 10 mls yeast
  • Flour for dusting
  • Cumin seeds for sprinkling
  • Salt for sprinkling
  • Olive oil for basting


  • Put the ingredients into your bread maker and choose the dough - pizza setting
  • Turn out into a lightly oiled bowl and cover with a lightly oiled piece of cling film
  • Leave to prove for an hour
  • Heat a griddle pan
  • Pinch of 70 - 75g of the dough and shape into a ball
  • Place on a lightly floured surface
  • Press flat with your fingers
  • Press in a 1.25mls of cumin seeds
  • Place seed side up on griddle pan
  • Cook for 4 minutes while you salt the top and brush with olive oil
  • Turn and cook for a further 2 minutes
  • Set aside and repeat until you have used up all the dough

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

What I blogged:

I am submitting this recipe to Fresh From The Oven which is being hosted this month by Claire of Purely Food

Lavender and Lime Signature

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49 thoughts on “Griddled Flatbreads

  1. Gosh, writing blog drafts on your blackberry sounds a real pain :-/ These flatbreads look lovely. A perfect braai accompaniment. I love the sound of using cumin seeds. I usually use fennel seeds on mine.

    1. I think fennel seeds and celery seeds will be good – and I want to make them on the braai next time. It is quite challenging to write the posts on my cell phone, but I did not want to try and come back to work and type them all up then 🙂

  2. I’m a real fan of flatbreads. I cook the basic flatbread from the Moro Cookbook often. Not having a bread maker, I guess I’ll carry on making them by hand:)

  3. Tandy, these look fabulous – I don’t have a bread machine but will definitely try these by hand. I have just printed your recipe.
    I am also slowly starting up again from today after taking some time off over the festive season.
    🙂 Mandy xo

  4. These look yummy. I’m hoping to use my breadmaker to make some flatbreads for FFTO too. I hope mine turn out as good as yours look!

  5. Due to my laptop crashing and finally getting a new one that has a learning curve for me, I’ve been having difficulty getting to my blog also! I feel your pain Tandy! But it will all work out soon! Love this recipe, the grill marks make these so tempting!

  6. Great looking flatbread, love the grill marks on the bread. I need to give this a try. Thanks for sharing this recipe Tandy.
    Happy 2013 and have a great week ahead!

  7. Your home-made grilled flatbreads look amazing & pretty tasty too, dear Tandy!
    I never grilled my flatbreads before! That’s a grand & genius idea! 🙂

    Happy 2013 filled with lots of food adventures, good health & great blogging friendships with me also! 😉 xxx

  8. hi tandy! i certainly did take an internet break. just catching up on all of my fave blogs now. i’m going to try this flatbread tonight, will let you kno how i go. happy new year xx

    1. Thank you Giovanna, I’m going on holiday on soon so I will be doing a lot more shopping than cooking! Have a great day 🙂

  9. Dear Tandy, this would go well with my hummus! I’ve never try to make flat bread myself…I had a super DECEMBER and now JANUARY break!!! Now I’m SLOWLY back online.

  10. Tandy, I love cumin. The smell always reminds me of a locker room at half time but the flavor is divine. These breads look wonderful. Susie

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