June 2013 Showcasing In My Kitchen

I am writing this post as the month goes along so that I have something to share on the 1st of June 2013 as far as what is happening in my kitchen.

not in my kitchen ….

I was so excited when my marrow plant started budding! But I have a tortoise and she ate her way through my marrow plants as well as my peas. Now I am changing my garden yet again and so what was going to be a lavender bed is now going to be a vegetable planter. I have to get soil delivered for that which I will do when we get back from overseas. This bed will be turned over for root vegetables which Stanley cannot destroy!

Baby Marrow Plant For My June 2013 Post
Baby Marrow Plant

in my kitchen ….

is some coconut water. I finally have a recipe in mind for it so hopefully soon I will be able to get it made and share the results with you if it works!

Coconut Water For My June 2013 Post
Coconut Water

in my kitchen ….

is agar-agar. I bought this on a whim and hopefully it will turn out to be a good buy.

Agar Agar For My June 2013 Post
Agar Agar

in my kitchen ….

are two packets of pasta that Dave and I got in our goody bags after the Fair Lady reader’s evening.

Pasta For My June 2013 Post

not in my kitchen ….

but I had to share, is Misty in her basket. She has an elephant stuffed toy which Molly wanted so I got Molly the stuffed monkey. Both of the toys are now in the basket, but Misty is the only dog who will sleep in it.


in my kitchen ….

is a gift of olives and honey from Waterkloof Wine Estate. I am a member of their wine club and this was a small gift we received when we went to a members event at the estate.

Honey And Olives For My June 2013 Post
Honey And Olives

in my kitchen ….

is a bottle of sparkling pear juice. I bought it when I went to Solms-Delta and I will report back once I have tried it.

Dik Delta Perry
Dik Delta Perry

in my kitchen ….

was a cupcake! Dave go that as a thank you for making dinner after the Col’Cacchio function. I was given the cupcake together with the heat resistant glove whose smart yellow dot turns red when it is hot!

Gifts From Col'Cacchio For My June 2013 Post
Gifts From Col’Cacchio

I am submitting this post to IMK hosted by Celia of Fig Jam And Lime Cordial

What I blogged:

I am in Italy and will return to work on the 5th of June. I will reply to blog comments then. This post has been scheduled in advance. If you want to follow our daily diary while we are away, click here.

Lavender and Lime Signature

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41 thoughts on “June 2013 Showcasing In My Kitchen

  1. Your pear juice sounds interesting…. and I smiled when I read you have a tortoise! The little Jack Russell looks just like my Schnitzel, who was only four when he died ; (

    1. It is a seaweed based product that works like gelatine but can set at cold temperatures – and you’ll know as soon as I use it!

  2. Tandy, can’t wait to see what you do with the agar – not my favourite thing, as I find it sets jellies too hard for my liking. It’s very commonly used in Asian desserts. Misty is SO cute, and a glove with a colour warning dot is a brilliant idea! Hope you’ve had a good trip! 🙂 x

  3. Good luck with your garden, it can be so discouraging when the wildlife treat it like a buffet. Misty is just adorable, she looks like she’s really into that monkey. And the sparkling pear juice is our kid’s favorite and we know a lot of folks who have used it for wedding receptions too — I think you’ll like it.
    Thanks for stopping by Savoring Today to say hello, it is so nice to meet other bloggers through IMK. 🙂

    1. HI Judy, I think my sparkling pear juice is of the alcoholic variety but I will have to check. I am replanning my bottom garden so that our tortoise does not eat our vegetables 🙂

  4. hope you enjoyed your italian trip – is that a pet tortoise you have – sounds like a rascal – love the little gifts and the dogs with their toys (my little girl is recently quite taken with an elephant so I laughed when I saw the dog had one)

    1. That is my pet tortoise! The elephant needs sewing up again as Misty has torn the casing with all her nibbling on it 🙂

  5. Hi Tandy- I worry about deer, rabbits and groundhogs when mygarden is planted- a tortoise never even entered my mind. But then I live in the midwest USA- so nothing too exotic here.
    Love the Perry- and the olives and honey- you have some very good things in your kitchen (the oven glove is so smart)

    1. I have yet to test drive the oven glove! I have never ever seen a groundhog but I know a rabbit can destruct a garden in one day 🙂

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