To me, making kale pesto is one of the best ways to use this vegetable.
Take a look at this inspiring recipe for ♥ Kale Pesto ♥ from Lavender and Lime #LavenderAndLime Share on X
If I could have any undercover job in the world I would choose to be a traffic officer. I don’t want the tedious chores like directing traffic, manning roadblocks or speed traps and checking drivers’ licenses. I want to be a real undercover traffic officer, the one in the unmarked car, who stops the idiots on the roads. Every morning I would be able to stop a lot of cars. We travel on a major road into work each day, and the speed limit is 80 kilometres per hour. However, most cars and trucks disregard this and travel at least at 100 kilometres per hour, if not more. I would also be able to stop the trucks and vans that pull into the road without regard for the traffic, and the people who go through red robots. In the afternoons I would stop all the people who do not know how to use a traffic circle. For some odd reason, people assume that if they are on the major road they can just go! Well, I would stop and tell them “no”, that is not how a traffic circle works! So, if you are in doubt about how to go around a traffic circle carry on reading! As you enter a traffic circle remember to look right (if you drive on the left hand side of the road). You always yield to the right. If there is a car to your right then wait for it to pass you, and of course stating the obvious, if there is no car then go! And be decisive. Once you are in the traffic circle you must move. In a small traffic circle indicate as if you were at a normal intersection. In a large traffic circle such as the ones we get in Welkom, or that you find in Paris, indicate when you enter the circle and when you exit. These large traffic circles might have a priority entrance. Also, in a traffic circle where there are two lanes keep in mind that the outer lane as you enter is for turning left and going straight, and the inner lane as you enter is for going straight and turning right.
Kale Pesto
Now that the traffic lesson is over, let’s turn to a simple recipe lesson. Kale Pesto is easy to make. I have an abundance of kale in my garden which at present is feeding the caterpillars. Because of that, I am looking forward to a garden full of butterflies soon! I keep changing my mind about where to put my vegetable garden and I have decided to go back to my original plan of having a pavement garden so that I can share my abundance with people who walk past our house. In the meantime, the kale is in the ‘old’ garden and the dogs just love walking through all the plants 🙂

Kale Pesto
- 130 g kale leaves, stem removed, roughly chopped
- 160 mls olive oil
- 4 cloves garlic, peeled
- 50 g Brazil nuts
- 55 g sunflower seeds
- 55 g pumpkin seeds
- 60 mls lemon juice
- 10 mls dulse flakes
- 5 mls salt
- Place the kale and the oil into a food processor and process until smooth
- Add the garlic, nuts, seeds, lemon juice and dulse and continue blending
- Add the salt and give it one final blitz
- Place into sterilized glass jar
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
What I blogged:
- one year ago – Liebster Blog Award
- three years ago – Tapas Tomatoes Chicken
- four years ago – Roast Chicken With White Wine
Never thought to make kale pesto. It looks fabulous.
Have a happy day.
🙂 Mandy xo
Thanks Mandy 🙂
I love the idea of your pavement garden, Tandy. Such a generous thing.
Thank you Sam, I am busy moving things around so that I can make it happen 🙂
Hehe Tandy I’m the same! I had bad drivers-because they put others at risk. I often joke that I work for “Highway Patrol” 😛
This morning I wish I did 🙂
I can imagine this as a dip for crackers, cucumbers and everything 😀
Delicious fresh recipe!
Choc Chip Uru
Oh, cucumbers would be great with this!
I love that you’ve added brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds to this pesto, Tandy. I bet those things plus kale make for a wonderful pesto.
As for the driving gripes, does it make you feel better to know that it’s been like that pretty much everywhere I’ve lived? Greece is the worst. No one seems to pay attention to traffic rules there. You’re right though that it would be satisfying to be a secret traffic cop!
People just seem to not care about the rules of the road and they are so rude about it as well.
Hi Tandy, I’m always saying the same thing too about traffic and arresting people, too funny. Anyway love this pesto, never would of thought of making pesto out of kale, and this year I had so much of it in the garden.
We had so much as well and I didn’t use it all up sadly.
I do love kale pesto – I usually use cavolo nero – and have recipes for both raw and a lightly blanched version which is good for those not so used to kale.
We don’t get cavolo nero here and I have never seen it in Italy when we have been there. I am sure it tastes great in a pesto though 🙂
I love to experiment with the greens/herbs in pesto and have been making kale pesto lately too. This is the first time I’ve seen dulse in pesto. Great idea for adding a note of umami without using cheese and definitely one I’m adding to the book!!
I am loving using dulse in all my vegetables 🙂
wow, never try this kind of kale with brazilian nuts combo before, i had a tortilla and i guess this is gonna be agood dip for it!
Hope you enjoy it Dedy 🙂