I decided to try a tart without a crust for the sweet tart challenge and so I made this lemon and vanilla apple tart.

Lemon and Vanilla Apple Tart
Makes enough for: 1 tart
- 1 vanilla pod
- 300 g fructose
- 3 eggs
- 2 lemons, zest only
- 150 mls milk
- 110 g butter, melted
- 100 g ground almonds
- 90 g flour
- 10 mls baking powder
- 3 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and cut into slices
- caster sugar for dusting
- ground cinnamon for dusting
- whipped cream for serving
- preheat the oven to 150° Celsius
- grease a spring form tin (if you look closely at the photo you will see I lined the tin, but it is not easy to get the paper off so next time I will not line the tin)
- halve the vanilla pod lengthwise, remove the seeds and discard the pod (put the pod into your sugar container to make vanilla sugar)
- beat the caster sugar, vanilla seeds and eggs until light and fluffy
- add the lemon zest, milk and butter
- stir in the ground almonds, flour and baking powder
- pour half the mixture into the tart dish
- arrange half the apple slices on top and dust with caster sugar
- pour the remaining mixture over the apple slices
- arrange the remaining slices on top and dust with caster sugar and cinnamon
- bake for 55-60 minutes and then leave to cool
unfortunately we had a power failure and I am not sure how long the tart baked for - the baking paper did not come off the tart easily!
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
Ingredients for my Lemon And Vanilla Apple Tart:
- Vanilla pods – look for soft pods that are easy to split open. Take a very sharp knife and cut along the edge, and then fold the pod in half. Scrape out the seeds with the back of the knife. If you do not need to use the pod, store it in a jar with sugar or fructose. You can blitz it up to make your own vanilla sugar.
- Fructose – I am sucrose intolerant and use fructose in my recipes where possible. You can replace the fructose, gram for gram with sugar.
- Eggs – In South Africa extra-large eggs weigh between 59g and 66g. I use free range eggs, and always in this weight range. When separating my eggs I do them one at a time. This way I never end up with egg yolk in the whites. If I am not using the egg whites for the recipe I store them in the freezer in bags. Be sure to write on the bag how many egg whites are in each one. Defrost your egg whites in the fridge overnight.
- Lemons – make sure you buy firm lemons, and they can still be a bit green when you buy them. If they are waxed be sure to scrub the skin before you take off the zest. I roll them firmly before cutting in half, and then use a juicer to crush all the juice out.
- Milk – I use UHT full cream milk for all of my recipes.
- Butter – I always use unsalted butter in my recipes if it is available in the shops. If not, be sure to keep in mind that you need to reduce the amount of salt you use in a recipe.
- Ground almonds – I use almond flour when a recipe calls for ground almonds. You can grind your own at home, just be sure to add the sugar to the blender with your whole almonds otherwise you will end up with nut butter.
- Flour – in South Africa flour, refers to cake flour. This is not the same as All Purpose Flour in America but you can use it gram for gram with whatever is the equivalent in your country.
- Baking powder – make sure your baking powder is fresh otherwise the results will not be perfect. Rather do not buy in bulk as expiry dates could be close to purchase dates
- Apples – we live in apple country and if possible I buy this season’s apples, straight from the farm shops. Most apples are cold stored which does not affect the flavour and taste in a way you would notice.
- Caster sugar – if you don’t have caster sugar at home you can make your own my blitzing regular sugar in a food processor
- Ground cinnamon – make sure your spices are fresh. Do not buy in bulk and store in an airtight container in a dark cupboard.
- Cream – I buy whipping cream to use in my recipes. In South Africa this is a fairly thick cream but not as thick as clotted cream. I use either fresh or UHT depending on the quantity needed.
It looks good Tandy. I’ll have to let you down again this week, I’m home alone so the tart would be wasted.
Friday greets to Dave.
sorry to hear you are home alone – and Friday greets back!