Lemon balm smells like sweet lemon and is used in herbal teas, wines and liqueurs. Lemon balm is a hardy perennial that bears some resemblance to its close relations, the mints. It is multi-stemmed growing to about 80cm, with ovate, regularly toothed green leaves. The insignificant lipped flowers are lemon-yellow, and borne in clusters on the upper parts of the stems.
Lemon balm is an unfussy plant, but prefers full sun to partial shade and a well drained but moist soil. It also grows well in pots. It is usually grown from seed although it is easy to raise from cuttings taken in spring and autumn, or from rooted divisions. If you do not want seedlings, or you desire a new flush of foliage, cut back the whole plant, including the flowering heads.
Harvest the fresh foliage as required. To dry, cut the plant down to about 7.5cm in mid to late afternoon, secure the stems in small bunches with rubber bands, and hang upside down in a well ventilated area out of direct sunlight. Strip off the dried leaves and store them in airtight containers in a cool place.
Lemon balms’ lemon scent and lemon and mint flavour go well with most foods complemented by either of those flavours. Use the leaves in tea, salads, cordials, fruit dishes, wine cups and chilled summer drinks, or stuffing for poultry or fish.
information sourced from The Complete Book of Herbs
Interesting, thanks Tandy 🙂
hugs to you too xox
Always something interesting on your blog, Tandy. Thanks for the info. Have a wonderful weekend. xxx
and you too AD 🙂
I love the aroma of lemon balm! 🙂
I am hoping to recognize the smell when I go into my garden later 🙂
So now I am waiting for you to post some yummy summer cocktails using some of your lemon balm or a fruit dish. Take care, BAM
I will start thinking about a recipe 🙂
Ooh, I must try and grow some.
🙂 Mandy
If what is in my garden is not lemon balm then I will also try and grow some 🙂
I have seen lemon balm before but really didn’t know what to do with it. Thanks for posting this.
my pleasure Kay 🙂
If I allow the lemon balm to flower in my garden (and it’s hard to stop it) then it tends to seed itself. I had two plants three years ago and I think I’ve got 12 or 15 now. The variegated form seems to be a bit less vigorous but it does tend to revert to pure green quite often. My plants seem happy to grow in the shade or sun and damp or dry soil – in fact, anywhere you least expect it. I tend to use it in summer drinks mostly but I came across some really good ice creams and sorbets using it last year. I think I also saw some cheese flavoured with lemon balm once – but I may have dreamed that. It really doesn’t work in cooked dishes like other herbs, though – I think it ends up tasting a bit like stale cabbage if it’s cooked in, say, a casserole.
thanks for all the information, and the visit 🙂
I’ve always had it in my garden, just never knew what to do with it. Thanks!
my pleasure Jen 🙂
Interesting – thanks!
my pleasure Pink 🙂
I grow lots of herbs but not lemon balm. It is interesting that it doesn’t do well when cooked. It must be pleasant in drinks though.
I can well imagine it is 🙂
That stuff grows like dandelions here.
how lucky!
What a lucky find.. it will be neat to see what you make out of your new lemon balm:)
When the rain stops, I will go and pick some to make sure that is what it is 🙂
I love lemon balm a lot & my parents have it grwing in their garden. I have it grwoing in a pot. Yummy!
mine has died back but in summer I am going to start experimenting with it 🙂