My Liebster Award VI
Summer Daisy has nominated me for the Liebster Award. I am really blessed to have met another great blogger and I am accepting this award for the 6th time. Here is my post, Liebster Award VI.
The nominees were tasked to answer the following questions:
- What is one thing that you enjoy doing that does not include food? Watching or taking part in motor sport
- What is your favourite colour? Purple in any shade
- What is your favourite time of day- (morning/evening)? When Dave gets home from work and we get to enjoy a drink together
- What are the top five places on your travel bucket list? Cinque Terre, Sardinia, Alsace, Romania, northern Scotland
- Which meal time is your favourite- breakfast, lunch or dinner? dinner
- What does your ideal weekend look like? cooking, baking, watching sport on TV
- What do you like most about blogging? the people I get to meet and the virtual friends I have made
- Which season of the year is your favourite (spring, summer, autumn, winter)? spring
- What is one thing about yourself that you love? my ability to be a good friend
- What inspires your writing? things in my daily life
So, if you have read my other award posts you will know that I am a rule breaker. I am not passing the award along. If you read this then please consider yourself nominated. If you would like to answer the following questions, please do. All I ask is that you link back to this post.
Which three ingredients could you not live without?
Which of your kitchen tools would you take with you anywhere and everywhere?
Do you have any pet peeves in the kitchen?
Which meal is your all time favourite?
Which restaurant would you visit over and over again?
If you could only have one recipe book, which one would it be?
If you could work alongside one chef for a day who would that be?
Which ingredient will you not eat or cook with?
What is on top of your bucket list?
What I blogged May 1:
- two years ago – In My Kitchen
- three years ago – Sleeping At Grootbos
- four years ago – In My Kitchen
Go you good thing. 6 times, you are a star! Congrats Tandy!
Thanks Anna 🙂
Congrats again Tandy! It’s always interesting finding out some random facts about bloggers I follow. I’ve seen this award around quite a bit.
I love the random facts as well 🙂
Aww love learning about all your favorites. Your top 5 travel places sounds so wonderful.. I would also love to get to Cinqe Terre at some point in the not too distant future. Congrats on the award!
We are going there this year Sarah 🙂
Hi Tandy, learned some great new things about you. Congratulations!
Thanks Cheri 🙂