Off To Italy
In a couple of hours we will be off to Italy. We will be leaving for the airport to catch the first of three flights to Rome. I will back in South Africa on the 4th of May and by then will have a collection of recipes and more to share. Italy has to be one of my favourite destinations of all time. Dave and I went there in 2003 for our honeymoon. Since then I have learnt to speak better Italian. I must say that learning the language helps a lot when you want to get around and visit small, out of the way places. I hope that the first time I try and speak Italian to a native person I don’t come out sounding stupid. This trip we will be heading to Assisi after spending a night in Rome. We are going back to Rome to visit the Sistine Chapel which was closed when we went the first time. I am really looking forward to experiencing a new part of the world. Last year we went to England and caught the ferry from Portsmouth to Le Havre. We then spent time in Brittany and visited the site of the D day landings.

Have a safe trip to Italy and looking forward to all the news and recipes when you get back. Enjoy!! Hugs xx
thanks Colleen – will miss you! Be safe love T