Open Mushroom Lasagna

An open mushroom lasagna is a great way to make use of mushrooms. And it is a recipe for when you don’t have the patience to layer up an ordinary lasagne. This is made even easier by using ready to go lasagne sheets.

Take a look at this inspiring recipe for ♥ Open Mushroom Lasagna ♥ from Lavender and Lime #LavenderAndLime Share on X

I went to the farmers market this past weekend to get mushrooms. The usual people I get them from were not there, but I still got some lovely varieties, even though I spent about R50 more than I normally would have. I love the earthy, meaty texture and taste of mushrooms and this recipe is perfect for Meatless Mondays.

Open Mushroom Lasagna
Open Mushroom Lasagna
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Open Mushroom Lasagna

Recipe Category: Italian
Makes enough for: 2 people
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 15 mls olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 100 g shitake mushrooms, sliced
  • 100 g button mushrooms, sliced
  • 100 g oyster mushrooms, shredded by hand
  • 30 mls roasted red pepper pesto
  • 45 mls crème fraîche
  • freshly ground black pepper and salt to season
  • 4 fresh lasagna sheets
  • 40 g rocket
  • 20 g beech mushrooms


  • heat the olive oil in a large pan and bring a large pan of water to the boil
  • sweat off the onion until it is translucent
  • add the garlic
  • add the shitake mushrooms and cook
  • add the button mushrooms and cook
  • add the oyster mushrooms and cook
  • add the pesto and the crème fraîche
  • season
  • add salt to your pasta water and cook the lasagna sheets for 3 minutes
  • you may need to loosen the pasta sauce with some of the pasta water
  • wilt the rocket leaves in a separate pan
  • add the beech mushrooms to the rest of the mushrooms
  • construct your open lasagna by putting rocket on the plate, then a lasagna sheet, topped with some mushroom sauce, then another lasagna sheet and the rest of the mushroom sauce

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

Ingredients for my recipe:

  • Olive oil – I use extra virgin cold pressed olive oil in my recipes. Be sure to store your olive oil in a dark container in a cupboard. Exposure to light could make it go rancid.
  • Garlic – buy firm garlic cloves and use even if they sprout. If this really bothers you then plant the sprouted garlic and harvest your own.
  • Mushrooms – make sure that the mushrooms are firm and not slimy. Do not wash your mushrooms as they absorb too much water. Rather brush them with a mushroom brush, or some paper towel, to clean them. Make sure you cook mushrooms completely when serving to young children or the elderly.
  • Crème fraîche I prefer using this to sour cream but if you cannot find then feel free to swap it out.
  • Fresh pasta – I make my own pasta as it really is simple. But if you do not want to make the effort then buy yours.
  • Rocket – this is one of the easiest herbs to grown and is self-seeds extremely well.

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11 thoughts on “Open Mushroom Lasagna

  1. This doesn’t look like any Lasagna i know, but my mouth is getting all watery just from watching the picture!

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