Pita Bread

I was hoping that the June Fresh From The Oven challenge would be up before I left work on the 1st of the month so that I could get it made on the first weekend and blog it the first Monday. This however did not happen, which in a way was a blessing as we had a luncheon at our house on the Sunday and the weekend was spent preparing for it, and then enjoying the party well into the night. Our host for this month is a Slice Of My Lyfe and the challenge she set was for us to make Pita bread. I nearly made these in December in preparation for my chance to host the FFTO challenge, and something made me change my mind at the last minute. So I was really excited to see that the challenge had been set.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Pita Bread ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

Given that it is winter in the Western Cape, which means rain and cold weather, I decided to make my dough in my bread maker so that the doughs’ first rise would be perfect. I also put the heater on to ensure that the kitchen was warm enough for the second rise. These were therefore very easy to make, and I would do so again. They are very impressive all puffed up. I must say that I wanted to make felafel to go with the pita’s but that did not work out as planned.

Pita Bread
Pita Bread
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Pita Bread

Recipe Category: Bread
Makes enough for: 1 batch pita bread
All Rights Reserved: Recipe from Breville Ikon Bread Oven


  • 310 mls water
  • 60 mls oil
  • 5 mls fine salt
  • 20 mls fructose
  • 4 cups bread flour
  • 10 mls instant dried yeast


  • Place the ingredients in this order into your bread maker
  • Select the bread dough setting
  • Once the dough has risen, remove it from the bread maker

How to make the pita breads

  • Punch the dough down to release some of the trapped gases and divide it into small pieces
  • Lightly dust each piece with flour
  • Roll each piece into a ball
  • Cover the balls with a damp kitchen towel, and let them rest for 20 minutes
  • While the dough is resting, preheat the oven to 200° Celsius
  • Place a baking tray or stone into the oven at the same time to heat
  • After the dough has relaxed for 20 minutes, lightly sprinkle flour on your work surface
  • Sprinkle a little bit of flour on one of the balls
  • Keep the pieces of dough you are not working with covered with the damp towel
  • Use a rolling pin and flatten the dough – it should be quite thin, and as round as you can get it
  • Repeat until you have rolled out all the pitas
  • Open the oven and place as many pitas as you can fit on the hot baking surface
  • Bake for 5 minutes until they puff up and are browned

Click on the links for conversions and notes.
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71 thoughts on “Pita Bread

  1. This was one of my favourite FFTOs to date. I loved how they puffed up in the oven …and how easy they were to make. Interesting to see your recipe using a breadmaker.

  2. I love pita pockets with hummus and fresh salad but I always use shop bought. I don’t have a bread maker so I’ll have to stick to the old fashioned way of using elbow grease!

  3. these look wonderful, and i also make pita, but yours look better. I use the woolies veg patties as a falafal filler for my pita.

  4. these look wonderful, i also make pitas–but yours look a whole lot better. I sometimes use the woolies vegetarian patties as a substitute for falafal balls.

  5. Oh wow Tandy!! Your pitas look perfect!! Great job Tandy!! Nothing beats home made pitas!! I should try them if time permits… eeks! haha

  6. Wow! Very impressive, Tandy, they really did expand and look so much fresher and lovelier than what I’m relegated to purchase.. I’ve got to try it one day!

        1. oh, that is a pity! I am hosting next month’s FFTO challenge, so take a look on the 1st to see if it is something you want to bake 🙂

  7. Those look delicious! Sorry to be a pain, but how do I make them without a bread machine? Add all the ingredients to a bowl and mix?

    1. You can use any bread dough recipe – this one should work without a bread maker as the principle is the same (or buy from Spar). PS there is a plugin on wordpress for a ‘follow’ button like on wordpress.com which is quite useful 🙂

  8. Wow Tandy, your pita bread looks perfect…I am very impressed 🙂
    Thanks for sharing this recipe and hope you are staying dry and warm!

    1. Hi Juliana! Dry and warm indeed, as long as I am indoors 🙂 Hope you are having a great week and thanks for the compliment 🙂

  9. They puffed up so beautifully. I used to go to a restaurant that would bring a basket of them straight out of the oven to your table. They would disappear in an instant.

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