Did you know that a scone is a quick bread? They are made using flour and leavening, or in this case for these pomegranate scones, self raising flour. Scones should be slightly sweetened and glazed. In Devon and Cornwall they are an integral part of afternoon tea. The only difference being whether you put the jam on before or after the cream!

Head straight on to the recipe for Pomegranate Scones ♥
When Dave and I were on honeymoon in Florence we stayed in an hotel where the water temperature was affected whenever someone else in the place was using the cold water. At first I thought this was due to the mixer, but after moving rooms I realized it was a problem in the accommodation itself. If we encounter the same issue in a place we are staying we refer to the facilities as a Florence shower. I think that this is one area that people offering accommodation to paying guests should take a close look at. At home we have a thermostat on our shower mixer. This ensures that no matter what happens in the house water wise, the shower temperature remains the same. It also has a pressure regulator. The other thing to look at in my opinion is the shower head itself.
Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Pomegranate Scones ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime #isw2016 Share on X
Personally I don’t like the rain style ones. We have a very simple shower head that blasts the water out at a decent pressure and it uses less water per minute than the average shower head. This means I don’t have to run around the shower trying to get wet. We stayed in 3 different places last month, and this was my standard complaint in all three. It made me glad to get home to my own shower, and to my own kitchen as there is just so much eating out one can do. The first thing I made were these pomegranate scones. The idea came to me on a whim and I can say they were seriously tasty and worth making again.

Do you put the jam on before or after the cream when serving up a scone?
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
Pomegranate Scones
for the scones
- 225 g self raising flour plus extra for dusting
- 30 g fructose
- 1 pinch fine salt
- 30 g butter, cubed
- 130 mls milk
- 20 mls pomegranate concentrate
for the glaze
- 1 egg
- 5 mls pomegranate concentrate
- Place the flour, fructose and salt into a food processor
- Blend to combine then add the butter and blitz until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs
- Place the milk and pomegranate concentrate into a mixing jug and whisk to combine
- With the food processor blending, slowly pour the milk in and mix until a dough forms
- Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, roll into a ball and gently press down until 2cm thick
- Cut 4 x 8 cm rounds * and place onto a lined baking tray
for the glaze
- Place the egg into a bowl and whisk to slacken
- Add the pomegranate concentrate and whisk to combine
for baking
- Brush the glaze on to the top of the scones and place into the fridge for 30 minutes
- Preheat the oven to 220° Celsius
- Brush some more glaze on top of the scones, place into the oven and bake for 15 minutes
- Remove from the oven and place onto a wire rack to cool completely
- Serve warm with jam and cream (or cream and jam)
What I blogged August 11:
- five years ago – Cumin Crusted Pork Fillets
- six years ago – Baked Pasta With Bacon, Chorizo, Tomatoes, Mushrooms And Cheese Sauce / Ethics and Copyright
Oh m gosh! That pomegranate glaze sounds wonderful. These would be perfect for evening brunch!:)
They are perfect for anytime Anu 🙂
What a great way to use my favourite fruit! I put the jam on after the cream, in case it is runny so it doesn’t fall off.
That is a very good reason to do it that way 🙂
Hi Tandy, your scones look delicious, we never use cream on them did not realize that’s what others do. Sounds like a great way to enjoy them. If I did add cream I would add it after the jam. Have a great week-end!
That is so interesting to read about the cream Cheri 🙂
Jam then the cream x
Me too!
Yeah has to be jam then cream always 🙂
For me too 🙂
It depends on the consistency of the jam and cream. I prefer cream to be thick and jam to be more runny (like a home made one with less pectin) so in that case cream first 🙂 how about you?
I always do jam then cream 🙂
Some perfect scones you have here Tandy! I put the jam on after the cream.
I am going to have to try it that way 🙂
I LOVE how adventurous your flavour combinations are Tandy! These scones sound like heaven!
Thanks Lucie 🙂
Well, I just eat my scones plain so I can’t answer your question! Anyhow, I’m always saying I wish a blogger would come up with a pomegranate pie, but pomegranate scones comes very very close! So eager to try these. Love pomegranates so much, and the anti-oxidents are awesome. And Devon and Cornwell is my Dream trip! Someday.
I shall have to work on that pie recipe for you 🙂
Fantastic idea Tandy. I’ve gotta say though, it has to be jam then add the cream 🙂
Seems that is the favourite way of doing it 🙂
Jam comes first always:))
For me as well 🙂
I hate rain style showers. I feel like I can’t breathe properly lol. These scones look wonderful! Thanks for sharing tid bits about your travels 🙂
My pleasure Sarah, and I so get you about the rain showers 🙂
Love pomegranate! These look like fantastic scones. I so rarely put cream on scones now I’m wondering which order I do it in, can’t remember!
I always put cream on my scones 🙂
What is it about Italian plumbing? And plumbing in general in the Northern Hemisphere? I think it’s about tight arse proprietors who want our money but are nor prepared to provide decent facilties. As to scones… jam first, then cream. I don’t mind butter, then jam but only ever on warm scones. Thanks for including me in the link up (and sorry it took so long to comment – I have a lot of catching up to do!)
We go to so many places here where the plumbing is not up to scratch! Makes me love my shower at home so much 🙂