This is a topsy turvy week, with 29 days in the month! So, we are all going to pretend this is the first Wednesday of the month (ie March) so that you all have a full month to get your challenge completed. The Rawlicious Challenge is open to people all over the world, but the prizes on offer are only open to South African residents. Beryn from Rawlicious is going to be judging the best three recipes that use raw food, and her decision will be final. Please be adventurous and show her just how amazing food bloggers are, and what we can come up with. The prizes are as follows (and may not be exchanged):
1st: Spot on one day seminar
2nd: DVD course
3rd: Recipe book
In order for your recipe to be judged you need to include the following:
- a link back to this post
- insert this photo

- the following linky code:
Code n.1 – This script works fine on all sites that accept the <script> tag
<!– start InLinkz script –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
document.write(‘<script type=”text/javascript” src=’ + new Date().getTime() + ‘”></script>’);</script>
<!– end InLinkz script –>
Code n.2 – If you are on a blog or any system that does not permit script tags, copy the following code
<!– start InLinkz script –>
<a href=”″><img style=”border:0px” src=”″></a>
<!– end InLinkz script –>
- you need to email me the link to your blog post so that I can forward the email to Beryn – my email address is lavenderandlimeblog (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Good luck, and have fun.
ps for a raw food diet, the temperature food is exposed to should not be more than 47°C / 116°F
The recipe book challenge recipes:
Ravioli stuffed with Mussels & Homemade Tomato Sauce
For more food challenges please see The Food Blog Diary.
Oh I love this challenge!! Going to get my thinking cap on right away!! Fantastic!!
thought you would like it!
Good challenge, let me give it some thought.
I am sure you will come up with something fantastic!
Good luck to all who participate, I’m no good at this sort of thing 🙂
thanks Hope* – I am sure they will all be great recipes 🙂
Too bad that I can’t take a prize. But the challenge is pretty good.
it is hopefully going to be a great one 🙂
An interesting challenge, Tandy. Good luck to all participants. Have fun. 😉 xxx;
thanks AD – and I can take part in this one 🙂
I’m not sure if I know what you mean by raw?! I get what it means for meat but for everything else does that mean uncooked?
sorry, I have edited the post to clear up any confusion – for a raw food diet, the temperature food is exposed to should not be more than 47°C / 116°F
Sounds like a fantastic challenge ,Tandy but this upcoming month is very busy with deadlines and some exams. Maybe next time. BAM
no problem! Hope the exams go well 🙂
Ooo, I’m not eligible for the prize, but yes, this is right up my alley! Let’s see what I can come up with…
I am so glad you will take part 🙂
Alright, I’ve posted!
awesome, and thanks (reminder that I need to add my own link) 🙂
Been awhile since I’ve managed to get around to blogs….sorry T! Sounds like a great challenge. My neighbor is doing the Rawlicious lifestyle thing at the moment and she is looking and feeling great. I have been reading her book! xx
it ia hard work but with great results 🙂