Food Bloggers Conference 2010

For those of you who Follow tandysinclair on Twitter you will notice that I have been promoting the Food Blogger Indaba 2011. Last year, 6 months after I started blogging I attended the Food Bloggers Conference. Colleen Grove, who was better known to me at that time as Browniegirl of Kitchen Diary fame organized this amazing conference. I went because I wanted to be a better blogger and left, not only with the tools to be a better blogger , but with a new host of friends.

Food Bloggers Conference
Box 3 of Banquet In A Box From Pesto Princess

Jeanne who is known worldwide as Cook Sister! presented us with talks on finding your voice as well as the ethics of blogging. You can read some of what I had gleaned from her here. Jeanne will be talking again at this year’s conference and for those of you attending I would highly recommend that you bring a notebook and pen with you as her information has proved invaluable and the shape and form of my blog has been mostly based on what she taught me. After the conference I was ‘interviewed’ by Jeanne and you can read that interview here.

I had just published Lavender & Lime when we went to the conference and so I was thrilled to know that my recipe format was alright. Jane-Anne who blogs as Juno: Scrumptious South Africa gave us an amazing lesson in how to write a great recipe and her knowledge on this is her business so, I listened and wrote notes galore. She will be speaking at this year’s conference and I am really looking forward to learning more from her.

Nina who blogs under the header of My Easy Cooking spoke about our cameras and this prompted me to go out and invest in a decent digital camera, a tripod and a good light. Nina will be taking one of the workshops this year and as space is limited it is on a first come, first served basis.

Colleen has organized more speakers for this years conference – hop on over to her blog to see what is in store for us this year! You will see the logo on my page – click on it to be taken to the blog.

Verlaque, amongst many other companies, sponsored product for our goodie bags. I have made much use of their lovely reduced balsamic reductions. This year they are sponsoring the actual bags – and these bags are going to be filled with product to the value exceeding the cost of the ticket.

Make sure you do not miss this event – and, even if you are not a food blogger I can guarantee you will learn something worthwhile. You will make new friends; meet virtual friends in real life and walk away having had an awesome day.

To my friend Colleen – I wish you the most successful Indaba – you set the bar very high last year, and I know you will surpass it this year.

Lavender and Lime Signature

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21 thoughts on “Food Bloggers Conference 2010

  1. Thanks for this lovely write-up and the mention, Tandy. I am flattered that you found my presentation so helpful, and am looking forward to this year’s one! X

    1. I think of you every time I write up a recipe – and I try to avoid the words dash / splash / knob etc. I think my recipes are way better for being consistent 🙂

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