Roast Vegetables

I do not often get sick, but when I do, I do it properly. Each year from 2001 to 2009 we went away over the June 16 long weekend. Each year as we got in the car I needed a box of tissues and ended up trying to scramble to get something to take the sore throat away. In 2009 I got bronchitis and the antibiotics and cortisone must have had a long term effect and I had not been sick for 2 years, until July when we went away! I had a sore throat which went away and I went to gym, and came back with a faucet where my nose used to be. When I feel like this, my taste buds do not cooperate and I crave easy, simple, hearty food. These roast vegetables fit the bill. They are full of goodness and vitamins and the only thing required to make them perfect is a little bit of patience.

Roast Vegetables
Roast Vegetables

I must say that when I make roast vegetables for dinner I do change what I use. This is because of seasonal choices. And my all time favourites changing as our dietary needs change.

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Roast Vegetables

Recipe Category: Side Dish, Vegetarian
Makes enough for: 4 people
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 1 butternut, peeled and chopped and seeds removed
  • 1 potato, chopped
  • 1 sweet potato, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 bulb garlic, halved
  • 30 mls sweet basil olive oil and tomato balsamic reduction splash
  • olive oil for drizzling
  • 2 sprigs rosemary
  • 3 baby gem squash, halved
  • 10 whole mushrooms
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to season
  • 15 g butter


  • preheat the oven to 180° Celsius
  • place the butternut, potato, sweet potato, onion and garlic into a roasting pan
  • pour over the splash and mix in
  • drizzle with the olive oil
  • add the rosemary and cook for 30 minutes
  • take out of the oven, remove the rosemary and add the gems and mushrooms
  • break the butter up and dot around the pan
  • drizzle with some more olive oil
  • cook for a further 30 minutes


remember to cut your veggies into even sizes

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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24 thoughts on “Roast Vegetables

  1. Hope these fabulous roast veggies make you feel better.
    Have a super weekend.
    🙂 Mandy

  2. Roasting is my comfort method. Now I’ll have to remember who was drinking the pepper inspired concoction for wellness and if I do, I’ll be back to post for you.

  3. I totally agree Tandy – I crave roasted veggies which I mash on my plate – smother in a sauce and top with butter and balsamic vinegar – or I make roasted butternut and potatoes and drown them in peri peri cheese sauce. My boday says no to meat but yebo yes yes yes to veggies – if I am completely man down i will even just steam whole heads of brocolli and cauliflower! I hope you guys are having the very best of a weekend and good times together xxxxxx I wish you a very Buon Giorno ……. as in, a GREAT day together xxxx jan

    1. I love the sound of mashed up roast vegies with balsamic! And steamed broccoli and cauliflower are always a winning dish! We had a super weekend Jan – hope yours was amazing as well xxx

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