Salsa Verde

Salsa Verde can literally be translated to Green Sauce and is packed full of fresh herbs. This condiment smells and tastes wonderful. As the name suggests, the sauce is Italian and was modified by the French and later the Germans. Parsley is an integral ingredient in this sauce and it  is the basis for both Gremolata and Chimichurri. Recipes for both this herb sauce and Chimichurri feature in Lavender & Lime. The French add tarragon to their version known as Sauce Verte. The Germans add a variety of green herbs and this is my philosophy – I use whatever fresh green herbs I have in my garden and the herbs I feel will most compliment the food I am making to go with the sauce. These include sage, chervil, dill, rosemary, basil and mint – let your imagination run wild.

Herb Sauce | Salsa Verde
Salsa Verde
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Salsa Verde

Recipe Category: Condiments, Sauces
Makes enough for: 1 batch salsa verde
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 2 handfuls flat leaf parsley
  • 1 handful mint and basil leaves
  • 2 sprigs rosemary, leaves picked
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 15 mls capers
  • 2 anchovy fillets
  • 15 mls Dijon mustard
  • 2.5 mls red wine vinegar
  • 150 mls olive oil
  • freshly ground black pepper to season


  • begin by finely chopping the herbs
  • then add the capers and continue chopping
  • then add the anchovy fillets and continue chopping
  • once you have a fine consistency transfer to a bowl and add the mustard, the olive oil and the red wine vinegar and mix well
  • add seasoning if necessary

As you will see in my version of this recipe, I make use of capers and anchovies for the salt element. Not everyone likes anchovies and if you are one of them feel free to leave them out. Just adjust the seasoning as needed. And play around with the vinegars you use.

Salsa Verde
Salsa Verde

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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6 thoughts on “Salsa Verde

  1. I’ve had some vegetarians join my other houseguests and so can’t do the challenge, will have to do it later, but I haven’t forgotten.

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