Salted Caramel Focaccia

I have wanted to try and make salted caramel for quite some time now, but I have just not got around to trying it. On the 1st of September I opened my RSS reader to see what this month’s Fresh From The Oven challenge is, and salted caramel focaccia from Signor Biscotti showed up. Dave and I went shopping on Spring Day – and remarked at the amount of snow that fell on Friday night. Our mountain tops are white! We bought some local salted butter and I came home to make the focaccia. I used my bread maker as it is really still too cold here for proving bread. I ended up making the sweet bread twice.

Salted Caramel Focaccia
Salted Caramel Focaccia

salted focaccia round one

  • forgot to add the raisins and the cranberries before the second knead session so added them halfway through the rising process
  • adjusted the setting on the bread maker to do a short knead and the whole rising again
  • did the second proving with the cold butter and the fructose on the focaccia, using the heat from my heater to assist
  • used the whole portion of the dough in my baking pan that does not turn in my oven
  • baked at 200° Celsius for 25 minutes and the caramel burnt

verdict: very tasty, especially where there was caramel

Salted Caramel Focaccia
Salted Caramel Focaccia

salted focaccia round two

  • added the raisins and the cranberries before the second knead session
  • did the proving without the cold butter and fructose on the focaccia, using the early morning sun
  • used half the dough in a smaller baking tin so that it will turn in my oven

verdict: perfect for tea time, and the left overs turned into bread and butter pudding

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Salted Caramel Focaccia

Recipe Category: Bread, Dessert
Makes enough for: 1 Focaccia
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 250 mls water
  • 40 mls oil
  • 5 mls fine salt
  • 10 mls fructose
  • 450 g bread flour
  • 12.5 mls yeast
  • 40 g dried cranberries
  • 80 g raisins
  • 50 g cold, salted butter, cubed
  • 50 g fructose


  • Place the water, oil, salt, fructose, flour and yeast into your bread maker
  • Select the dough - pizza option
  • Add the cranberries and the raisins after the first kneading session is complete
  • Line a baking sheet with baking paper and as soon as he dough has proved, tip it out onto the baking sheet
  • Use your finger tips to push the dough flat, without knocking too much of the air out of the dough
  • Cover with a lightly oiled piece of clingfilm and leave to prove for 30 minutes
  • Preheat the oven to 200° Celsius and if you have a baking stone, heat that in the oven at the same time
  • Remove the cling film and dot the butter around the dough and sprinkle the fructose on top
  • Bake for 25 minutes until golden brown


Eat the same day!
Recipe adapted from the Breville Ikon Bread Maker book, page R24

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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36 thoughts on “Salted Caramel Focaccia

  1. The title just threw me! A sweet foccacia bread…and then I read all the ingredients and the sweetness sounds like a perfect breakfast or afternoon bread. I’m definitely making note to try this soon!!

  2. Thanks for taking part in the Fresh from the Oven challenge, Tandy. And bravo for being so quick off the mark! Your version of the recipe sounds and looks lovely.

    Apologies for not commenting sooner. I left for a week in the wilds of Ireland immediately after posting the challenge. Had a great time – but virtually no internet!

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