I want to thank all the South African bloggers who are taking part in my Secret Santa 2011 gift giving initiative. The assignments have all been sent out and on Monday I will do the ones for the USA / Europe and Australia. This however all depends on a few factors:
- I need emails from the following bloggers with their postal addresses: sonsothunder, Serious Food For The Soul, A Dash of Domestic, Baker by Nature – if I have not heard from you I will count you out. Sorry, but I have left messages for all of you asking for this information. One would think if you had volunteered to be a part of this that you were serious about it.
- I would love a few more people from Europe – Spain / Italy / France and England. Come on bloggers, let me hear from you so that you can share in the joy.
- I need one more blogger from Australia. No matter where you live, and what you blog about.
Please complete this form if you are keen on being a part of Secret Santa 2011 and sending another blogger a gift to the value of R100 / €10 / $10
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