Skeletons, Jane Fallon

Skeletons opening line: All Jen Masterson had ever wanted was an ordinary life.


As you can read on the cover, the only thing worse than not knowing a secret is discovering one. 

My blurb:

Jen wanted an ordinary life, and that is what she got. Mom to two girls, wife to a husband with a loving family attached and a simple job. What she didn’t expect was that her ordinary life was not really what she wanted. It was only by stumbling on one secret that led to so many more secrets being discovered. These discoveries in turn led to Jen’s life changing. She learnt the true meaning of family and love by unravelling the secrets that were being kept.

Jen has discovered a secret. It’s not hers to share, but is it hers to keep?
If she tells her husband Jason, he might get over the shock but will he forgive her for telling the truth? She might drive a wedge through their marriage.
If she tells someone else in Jason’s family – the family she’s come to love more than her own – she’d not only tear them apart but could also find herself on the outside: she’s never really been one of them, after all.
But if she keeps this dirty little secret to herself, how long can she pretend nothing is wrong? How long can she live a lie?
Jen knows the truth – but is she ready for the consequences?
My verdict:

The book is really well written and kept me riveted in its simplicity the entire time. Nothing is better than reading something that engages you and this is an author I shall look out for in my future picks.

Publishing information:
ISBN 9780141047263
Format Paperback
Published March 2014

Penguin Random House South Africa sent me this novel to review.

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19 thoughts on “Skeletons, Jane Fallon

  1. I will have to look out for this one Tandy – always looking for something a bit different and this looks interesting.

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