Cook Something Traditional Challenge

Cook Something Traditional

The challenge this week is to cook something traditional. This relates to the country of your birth or where you live now. Please leave a comment for me to tell me if you have taken part in this challenge. Specifically, I would like you to bake something. It can be sweet or savoury but needs to be cooked in the oven. Babotie (bobotie) is considered the national dish of South Africa. It is probably more common in the Western Cape than anywhere else, but it totally sums up the Malay influence on our eating habits. Another typical recipe would be for koeksisters. These are a sweet treat to go with coffee. When I think of these I imagine myself in the heart of Pretoria. This is one of our capital cities. Did you know that we have three of them? We also have melktert (milk tart) to serve as a dessert or for afternoon tea. Traditional dishes vary from country to country and I would love to know what you grew up with. And is this the same as where you live now? Have you moved and taken on a new national dish that you serve at your table?

Babotie - Cook Something Traditional

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7 thoughts on “Cook Something Traditional Challenge

  1. Can we twist it a bit and do ‘from the country of our forefathers’? I can then do something English, don’t fancy making melktert again and I don’t like koeksisters … those are the only SA ones I can think of …

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