Spaghetti squash is so named as when it is cooked, the flesh falls away from the skin in ribbons resembling pasta. It is high in nutrients such as folic acid, potassium, Vitamin A and beta carotene and low in calories, making it a great addition to your meal if you are watching your food intake.

Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Spaghetti Squash ♥
I woke up on the 21st of April to an email from Jetpack letting me know that my site was down. As I could do nothing about it until I got to work, I just pushed the issue to one side and got on with starting my day. When I got to the office I could see the back end of my blog, but the internet showed the following error when looking at it from the front end:
The page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.
I copied the message and sent it to my ISP wondering if the issue was from their end. I received no reply to my email and so I called their office after 9 when I was sure they would be open. My call was directed to voicemail and so I left a message thinking that they might be inundated with the same queries if indeed it was a server issue. After not hearing back from them for several hours I sent a SMS to the after hours number. By the time someone called me back I had left the office. I explained the issue and was told that they would look into it. The return call informed me that they had contacted a WordPress consultant who had removed all the plug-ins from my blog and that had fixed the error.
Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Spaghetti Squash ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X
Indeed, at 14h17 my blog came back online. But only briefly as the same person reinstalled the plugins. Now instead of the error message showing, I had a blank site. I was informed that I must remove every plug-in and re-install them one-by-one, seeing which one was causing the error. I did that, but lost not only my settings but also the paid for plug-ins. When I got home I went into my WordPress App on my iPad and I saw that someone, somehow had changed the setting to private. I would not have done that, but it certainly explains my blank page. Thankfully within 36 hours my site was up and running, and hopefully not too much damage was done. Strangely enough, my post for Duck Braised In Master Stock still published on the day my site was down.

When Dave was away I made spaghetti squash for my dinner. He is not a fan of this type of vegetable and so I used the opportunity while he was away. This is a great alternative if you are looking to substitute starch in your diet.
Spaghetti Squash
- 1 spaghetti squash cut into 8th's
- 5 mls olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper to season
- 6 rashers streaky bacon
- 16 baby tomatoes, quartered
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 10 g dried olives, chopped
- 20 g Gorgonzola
- 5 g flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped
- Preheat the oven to 180° Celsius
- Place the squash onto a baking tray and drizzle with oil
- Season and bake for 40 minutes
- Discard the pips and shred the flesh from the skin and set aside
- Place the bacon into a cold frying pan
- Cook over a medium to hot temperature until crispy
- Remove from the pan, retaining the fat and chop and then set aside
- Add the 5mls of oil to the pan and add the tomatoes
- Cook until blistered and add the garlic and olives
- When you can smell the garlic add the squash and the bacon
- Season to taste and heat through
- Place into a serving bowl, scatter the Gorgonzola and parsley on top and serve
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
What I blogged May 2:
- three years ago – I Made It Challenge
Where were you able to find spaghetti squash? I have’t seen it here in PE although I am not a big Fruit & Veg shopper – guess they sell them?
Have a super Monday Tandy.
🙂 Mandy xo
I got them from Woolworths! I hardly ever shop at Fruit & Veg 🙂
Blog technical issues are so frustrating aren’t they? Glad to hear that it was resolved relatively quickly. I wonder what happened with the private settings?
I wonder as well!
I didn’t know that spagetti squash had so much folic acid! Just another reason to eat it. And I remember the day your site was down, I tried to come on to post a comment but it wasn’t there and I got all confused. So weird how it came off the yet but I’m glad everything is back up and running 36 hours later!
I was so relieved I could get it up and running!
Awesome combination of flavors!
Thanks Pam 🙂
Tandy – so sorry about your site issues – technical problems are no fun!
But this spaghetti squash with bacon and tomatoes is fun and delicious!
Thanks Shashi 🙂
One problem I have with spaghetti squash is that it has no calories and is almost always translation for: I’m trying to be on a very rigid diet and am nixing all gluten-y type carbs. So happy that this looks like a legit side dish full of nutrients, but also BACON and CHEESE!!!! 😉 😉 😉
Bacon is my favourite condiment Sarah 🙂
You must feel like you’re bashing your head against a wall Tandy! Hopefully this is the end of it. I have never made spaghetti squash but it sounds like a fab idea 🙂
It was totally like that Jem 🙂
Hi Tandy, so glad you got your site back up and running. Such a frustrating thing to happen. Love what you created with the spaghetti squash, looks amazing.
Thank you Cheri 🙂
Sorry to read about site technical issues, they are indeed annoying. Love how colorful and refreshing this squash is.
Thanks Anu, it was very annoying!
How frustrating for you regarding the technical issues. Sorry to hear it took so long to get it resolved. Hasn’t spaghetti squash taken off in Australia recently! I have been seeing recipes for them for years on US sites. Looks delicious!
I think it has become so popular because of American cooking shows 🙂
Oh that is the prettiest and best tasting spaghetti squash ever! Oh the stress of blog issues, been there and so terrible when living it.
Totally awful at the time!
What a relief to get your site up and running again!! Phew! This looks so light and savory. 🙂
Thanks Krista, it was a huge relief 🙂
I can’t wait to make this. I love spaghetti squash but the family hasn’t enjoyed it as much. Bacon is the answer!
Bacon is always the answer 😉
This dish looks delicious! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Agnes 🙂
Oh my goodness, you write so calmly about this. I’d have been freaking the fudge out. Holy moly. Super glad all worked out. Love the spaghetti too. Tis a fave in our household.
I was not impressed but I could not change it either. Just hope it does not happen again!
I have never tried spaghetti squash and I’ve been dying to!
I’m really going to have to try it now, this looks really fantastic! 😀
Thanks Krysten 🙂
What a frustrating time you had with your blog being down! I would have gone crazy if it was me.
I have never eaten spaghetti squash, always wanted to try it but strangely I have (until now) been a bit too scared. Thank you for sharing.
I hope you try it Serina 🙂