Temperature Table

I have recently purchased a digital thermometer and it came with a table for the correct temperature for cooking meat. Based on that I decided that a handy table for candy making, deep frying and roasting would be a good thing to have to hand when ever you need it. I am sure that there are many other items that could be on this temperature table, so if you can think of any, please let me know. I have been through so many thermometers. From the glass candy making one, to a spatula with a built in thermometer. The digital thermometer shown below no longer works as the probes keep failing.

Baking  °Celsius °Fahrenheit
Bread 90 194
Cake 90 194
Candy Making °Celsius °Fahrenheit
Firm Ball 121 250
Fudge 116 240
Hard Ball 127 260
Hard Crack 149 300
Jelly 104 220
Soft Ball 116 240
Soft Crack 138 280
Syrup 110 230
Deep Frying  °Celsius  °Fahrenheit
Chicken 177 350
Chops 191 375
Eggplant 185 365
French Fries 199 390
Fritters 185 365
Onions 199 390
Oysters 185 365
Scallops 185 365
Roasting  °Celsius  °Fahrenheit
Beef Brisket 90 – 95 194 – 203
Beef Fillet – Rare 38 100
Beef Fillet – Medium Rare 55 131
Beef Roast 85 – 90 185 – 194
Boar Roast 75 – 78 167 – 172
Chicken 80 – 85 176 – 185
Duck 80 – 90 176 – 194
Mutton Leg – Medium Rare 65 – 70 149 – 158
Mutton Leg – Well Done 80 – 85 176 – 185
Pork Roast 70 – 75 158 – 167
Pork Saddle 55 – 60 131 – 140
Turkey 80 – 90 176 – 194
Veal Fillet 50 – 55 122 – 131
Veal Roast 68 – 74 154 – 165
Veal Saddle – Medium Rare 50 -55 122 – 131
Venison Roast 75 – 80 167 – 176
Digital Thermometer temperature table
Digital Thermometer

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26 thoughts on “Temperature Table

  1. Cooking meat to temp is the bane of y existence! I always worry the meat just isn’t cooked enough so this table should come in handy. Need a better thermometer though. That would ease my stress levels for sure, always analyzing the chicken in particular, always thinking it looks to pink and then I panic.

  2. Great reference and lovely to have all in one place – must get on of those digital thermometer – thanks for sharing Tandy.

  3. Great post Tandy…I always have convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice-versa…very handy!
    Have a great week 🙂

  4. This is very useful info!
    That email chain was a bit annoying, but glad I “found” your blog.

  5. very helpful – many tx for posting – btw, my blog is for anyone who loves writing, books, and all the arts. If you think it might be fun or helpful to have my followers (who total about 10k across my various social media) meet you, here’s the link for general guidelines: https://wp.me/p6OZAy-1eQ

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