Bake a Soufflé Challenge

The challenge to bake a soufflé is to get my fellow bloggers out there to face their fears.

JustMeShaz and I got ‘chatting’ on facebook, and the challenge was to see who could find the bottom of the bottle of wine. Now, JustMe has succeeded and in one night found the bottom, and the fact that we are being cheated out of a glass. Shaz took this one step further and has been cooking boozy meals all week, albeit, she has not found the bottom of her bottle yet. I managed to finish 3 bottles in one night! Dave always pours me the last sip of wine from a bottle so he can tell people “Tandy finished the wine!” I think this week I have finished 4 bottles of wine, but, there is still tonight … But, one a more serious note, I think it is time to get baking.

The Challenge Bake a Soufflé
Cinnamon And Coffee Soufflé

This got me thinking about a food challenge. So, here is it – bake a Soufflé – sweet or savoury and post your recipe and the photo on your blog and let me know here that you have taken part. I will then post something next Friday, with a new week challenge.  Have fun!
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