Today I Am Off To Vote | May 2014

Today I am off to vote, to make my voice heard.

Election day is still quite an important occasion in South Africa. The first time I was able to vote was the 1992 Referendum to end Apartheid. This was a momentous occasion and something I was really proud to be a part of. The next time I voted, it was together with people who had never been presented the opportunity to vote. 20 years on and I can only hope that today I am joined in line by many people who are going to exercise their right to vote. Last election I sat in the queue next to a young man who had only decided the day before that he was going to come and make his mark. He wanted his voice to be heard and realized that if he did not vote, his ‘voice’ would not count. I personally feel that a country needs a strong opposition and a government that is accountable. I will be making my voice heard today! Today, I am off to vote ….

If you are voting today may your voice be heard as well!

What I blogged:

Lavender and Lime Signature

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27 thoughts on “Today I Am Off To Vote | May 2014

  1. What a voting experience, Tandy! And voting on the Apartheid referendum is just remarkable. Voting is one of the best human activities ever invented.

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  2. First time voting today. Ashamed it took me so long, but better late than never. We were in and out in 15 minutes – what a pleasure! Hope your voting goes just as smoothly 🙂

  3. Good for you Tandy! in the states there are many who do not vote and while it your choice to do so or not, if you don’t vote your voice will never be heard.

  4. There’s no substitute for our own commitment. I consider myself politically moderate and not at all an activist, but I vote whenever it’s possible, because nobody else can, will, or should speak for me in voting matters.

  5. My sons, daughter in law and i voted–in and out within 25minutes. I pray that our vote will provide a better future for my granddaughter

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