Vegetarian Pasta Sauce

I learnt one good thing while in Italy – the simpler the pasta sauce, the better!  They might get fancy, but they do not get complicated. With this in mind, I have challenged myself to 5 ingredients per sauce – but, do garlic and onion count as one? Here I have made a Vegetarian Pasta Sauce. I like the idea of using only a few ingredients. It means that each one can shine. And you can emphasise flavours. In fact, you could even go with fewer ingredients. When making pasta sauce, the saying, less is more most certainly comes to mind. This recipe makes use of mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes and artichoke hearts. They are all ingredients that I would buy from a market stall in Italy. When we shop overseas I tend to buy fresh ingredients. Ones that can be used for simple sauces. And ones that shine through when you use them in cooking. Tomatoes are sold both fresh and sun dried and come in many varieties. Artichokes are small and soft and will be cleaned for you at the market if you do not want to do the hard work yourself.

Vegetarian Pasta Sauce
Vegetarian Pasta Sauce
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Vegetarian Pasta Sauce

Recipe Category: Italian
Makes enough for: 2 people
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 15 mls olive oil
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 red chilli, seeded and sliced
  • 100 g mushrooms sliced
  • 6 sun dried tomatoes, chopped
  • 3 artichoke hearts, chopped


  • in a pan fry the onion in the olive oil until translucent
  • add the garlic and chilli and cook for 1 minute
  • add the mushrooms and as soon as they have cooked add the sundried tomatoes and artichokes
  • serve with spaghetti and enjoy!

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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10 thoughts on “Vegetarian Pasta Sauce

  1. I couldn’t agree more with that theory! Simpler is better. Being a great cook isn’t about how fancy and complicated you can make a dish…its about taking your fresh raw ingredients and creating something magical, without being over the top!

    This is a great sauce! I have not eaten pasta in almost 4 months…I would kill for a plate of this right now!!

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