Cajun Challenge Round Up

I have spent the entire week working on this Cajun Challenge – click here to read what I did. I created an entire meal for the challenge as part of a world wide initiative. Gaby has made a lovely Jambalaya with all the traditional ingredients. PinkPolkaDot has made babotie with Cajun Spice and her recipe is very unique. I would never have thought to take a traditionally South African dish and use Cajun spices, but it makes perfect sense. I know you cannot do this with all cuisines.

prawn & spicy sausage jambalaya for the Cajun Challenge
prawn & spicy sausage jambalaya

Thank you Gaby and Pink for taking part!

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3 thoughts on “Cajun Challenge Round Up

  1. Sorry Tandy, I made ‘Dirty Rice’ as my Cajun dish, but found my camera batteries were flat. It was a good dish and I promise to make it again soon.

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