21st Birthday, James Patterson

21st Birthday opening line: Cindy Thomas followed Robert Barnett’s assistant down the long corridor at the law firm of Barnett and Associates in Washington, DC.

21st Birthday

My blurb:

When Tara Burke and her baby Lorrie go missing it is her mother that reports the fact. Her husband Lucas, is of the opinion she has just left to let off some steam. He figures she will be home in a couple of days. And this is what makes him the prime suspect. But the case is about to unravel in a way no-one could have predicted. And a serial killer will be revealed in the process.

21st Birthday
When a distraught mother pleads with San Francisco Chronicle reporter Cindy Thomas to investigate the disappearance of her daughter, Tara, and baby granddaughter, Cindy immediately loops in SFPD Sergeant Lindsay Boxer. The prime suspect is Tara’s school teacher husband, Lucas Burke, but he tells a conflicting story that paints Tara as a wayward wife, not a missing person.
While the city’s chief medical examiner, Claire Washburn, harbours theories that run counter to the police investigation of the Burke case, Assistant District Attorney Yuki Castellano sizes up Lucas as a textbook domestic offender – until he puts forward a theory of his own that unexpectedly connects the dots on a constellation of killings.
As the case grows into something far bigger than any of them could have imagined, the four friends will need each other to help unpick the truth from a web of lies.
My verdict:

At the time of writing this review, it has been several months since I read the book. I expect that as usual I enjoyed it, as I like the way Maxine writes, and the characters are familiar to me. But, I cannot remember the ins and outs of this book, making it not so memorable. If you are reading the Women’s Murder Club series, then add this to your list of books to read.

Publishing information:
ISBN 9781529125306
Format Trade Paperback
Published March 2021

Penguin Random House South Africa sent me this novel to review.

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime June 13:

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6 thoughts on “21st Birthday, James Patterson

  1. I find it tough to rememer the details of books I have read a few months ago as well.

    And the opening line doesn’t seem as attention grabbing as many of his books…

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