Body And Mind Synergy | Review Removed

I was invited by Antony Roget, a certified personal trainer, mentor, and
the creator of Body And Mind Synergy to review the site. I was meant to be compensated for my review of Body and Mind Synergy. And, if anyone signed up via the affiliate link, I was meant to receive further payment.


I cannot understand why when someone says they will pay you to do work that they feel it is right to then not pay once the work is done. Sadly, I think this is a common theme in the blogging world. Either that, or the offer of payment in exposure is offered. It takes time to write a review, and a lot of hard work to make sure the review is unbiased and fair. Even if the review itself is not positive. But when a promise of payment is made, it should be done!

Disclosure: This paid for opportunity was made possible through Tomoson. This post is in line with my blogging policyPayment was not made through no fault of Tomoson.

What I blogged March 13:

Lavender and Lime Signature

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8 thoughts on “Body And Mind Synergy | Review Removed

  1. For the most part, I am happy to not live near a gym, I really battle with the smell and thought of other people sweat. Thankfully we are disciplined enough to train at home and seems my walking is getting better, I have been able to put a few jogs into my 5km so my thyroid is definitely better!
    Have a wonderful week ahead.
    🙂 Mandy xo

    1. That had me giggling, as I don’t like other people’s sweat either. Glad your thyroid is better Mandy xox

  2. This is so intriguing Tandy! Short workouts are awesome right now because with 2 young kids constantly asking for snacks or just general whining, it’s tough to commit to an hour straight. And I’m with you on BMI, how does is measure visceral fat? It can’t. And food, I”m always trying to improve there, but getting better at eating my veggies!!

  3. Hi Tandy, the between the ears portion sounds like a very solid way to stay committed, like you we already eat healthy and hike daily. Looks like a great program. Currently I am signed up with a yoga site which I enjoy very much.

  4. Thanks for the review Tandy.

    To be honest guys, the whole program came about because nobody has any time to go the gym 5 days a week these days. Doing it all from home, is one less hurdle…

    BMI, skeletal muscle, body fat…are all OPTIONAL. It isn’t necessary, and is stated in the form. You could just take some honest photos of yourself in the same pose, a few weeks apart. Some people just want to digits to measure.

    Bottom line: if you follow the Between The Ears program, you can develop the mental strength to win with any program.

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