Chain Of Command, Marc Cameron

Chain of Command opening line: Tim Goode grabbed the edge of the desk and pushed his padded chair away from the radar console, rolling it forward and back, bleeding off nervous energy while he took a scant moment to study the electronic blip moving north-east.

Chain of Command

My blurb:

The best laid plans will always change when you engage. This mantra is what the team need to remember when they attempt to attack President Jack Ryan where it hurts the most. But one small error will lead to their downfall, and to the downfall of the man who employed them. Because, not all contingencies can be planned for, or overcome.

Chain of Command
America is under attack from within. Patients in hospitals, clinics, and at home are dying when the drugs they need for survival turn out to be ineffective copies. A corrupt pharmaceutical billionaire has spent millions supporting radical groups while using the chaos they engender to cover his money-making schemes, but for a man with such towering ambitions, the only real goal is power.
To get that, he’ll have to eliminate the only impediment in his path — Jack Ryan. The question is, how do you attack the most closely guarded man in the world?
For a man who has built his fortune on underhanded dealings and misdirection, the answer is as simple as it is shocking:
He’ll have to kidnap the First Lady.
My verdict:

Marc Cameron has taken over the legacy left behind by Tom Clancy, and made it even greater. A really great read about the lives of the Ryan family.

Proof Reading

There is an error on page 475 of the copy I was sent to review:

The older man rose and shuffled off toward his bedroom, waving off the other men as he walked byu, as if they disgusted hem. (should be them).

Publishing information:
ISBN 9780241481684
Format Trade Paperback
Published December 2021

Disclosure: I was sent the book to review by Penguin Random House South Africa. I was not required to write a positive review. This post is in line with my blogging policy.

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime April 10:


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