Freshly Blogged Challenge From Pick N Pay

Freshly Blogged

Some time this morning I will be receiving an email about the first Freshly Blogged challenge. I am one of 50 bloggers taking part in this competition hosted by Pick n Pay. I will be sent a list of ingredients and on Monday when we get back from Sedgefield I will be creating my first dish to be entered for the Freshly Blogged competition. I will post my recipe to the Freshly Blogged site before posting it here, and when you see the post here there will be a link at the end of the post for you to please go and vote for me. Your vote will not determine whether I go through to the next round, but it will determine whether I stand in line to win a weekly prize. So, all votes will be appreciated.

Ingredients For Round 2 Of Freshly Blogged
Ingredients For Round 2 Of Freshly Blogged

The reason I chose to enter Freshly Blogged is that my creations are not being judged by the public, but by a panel of three judges namely, Justine Drake, Anke Roux and Yvonne Short. My recipes will be judged on creativity, my culinary skill, my writing ability and the overall quality of my submission. Each week 5 bloggers will be eliminated until the final week, when 7 bloggers will be eliminated. I am hoping to make it right to the end! The final 3 contestants will participate in a live cook off at Pick n Pay Taste of Joburg on the 26th of September.

I want to take this opportunity to wish each of the other 49 contestants the best of luck! I look forward to reading what you all come up with. Hopefully, the competition will be a fair playing field.

What I blogged:

Lavender and Lime Signature

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41 thoughts on “Freshly Blogged Challenge From Pick N Pay

  1. Thank you for writing this Tandy. I hope more people will understand the competition now. Enjoy your time in Sedgefield and good luck xx

  2. Good luck to you. I’ve also entered only because the judging is not being done by a popularity contest, but on real skill and creativity. See you in JHB in September!

  3. So how many times have you checked your email this morning Tandy?! I’m trying to write but keep sneaking back to the Send and receive button… Good luck to you and all of us!

    1. We were on the road as we are in Sedgefield for the weekend. Thankfully my blackberry say ‘you have mail’ when I get a new email! Good luck and have fun 🙂

    1. Thanks Tammy! I will reply to your email as soon as I’ve had a response from ziplist. Thanks for letting me know 🙂

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