Friday’s Food Quiz Number 76

This is late, but as you all know, my blog for some obscure reason has not been without issues when moving to a self hosted platform. My friend Pink has moved her blog and it looks amazing! I need to try and ‘bribe’ her daughter to get mine looking as neat and tidy as her’s and to figure out why so many of my blog posts did not upload properly.

Here are my answers to the weekly quiz:


1. What is the Persian dish, called Tahdig?

2. What are the main ingredients of a daube?
beef and red wine

3. What does ‘almondegas’, ‘keftedes’, ‘kyufte’ and ‘bakso’ have in common?
they are all meatballs

4. What is sumac?
a flowering shrub that gives us the spice sumac

5. What is ghooreh?

6. What did the ancient Greeks called “foods of the gods”?

7. What is the main ingredient of galettes?
buckwheat flour

8. What is a spat?
a mollusc

9. Cavendish, Williams and Lady fingers are varieties of which fruit?

10. Where did Paneer Tika Masala originate from?

"Chicken And Paneer Kadhai"
Chicken And Paneer Kadhai


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12 thoughts on “Friday’s Food Quiz Number 76

  1. You seem to be doing pretty well to me. I have given up trying to blog on .org. It has great layouts and plugins for a photography which is why I use it.

    1. I think I should have moved ‘off line’ instead of trying to blog while moving! I am still working my way around all the plugins 🙂

  2. Pingback: Answers to Food Quiz 76

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