Grace Stevens Answers Questions For The Blog

Grace Stevens is a female entrepreneur, baking extraordinaire and mother of four. Here she answers some interview questions that I sent to her.

Grace Stevens

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

I have been fortunate to have many people who have come along side me in my journey. The one person who sticks out is my late sugar craft teacher, mentor and friend Eunice Borchers. She began as my teacher and ended up as a mother figure to me, adopting my kids as her grandkids and calling me her fourth daughter.

What started you on the path of cooking?

I discovered early in my childhood at baking or cooking something for someone gave them so much pleasure and I wanted to do that over and over again.

Which three ingredients could you not live without?

Flour, salt and butter

Which of your kitchen tools would you take with you anywhere and everywhere?

My bench scraper, my tongs and my mixing bowl

Do you have any pet peeves in the kitchen?

I just can’t stand a dirty work area. I clean as I go.

Which meal is your all time favourite?

My favourite is roast lamb and crispy roast potatoes.

Which restaurant would you visit over and over again?

I love the Brasserie on the top of Tokai Road for a quick dinner but Bistro 1682 is also one of my favourites.

If you could only have one recipe book, which one would it be?

The Art of French Pastry by Jacquy Pfeifer (Alfred A. Knope)

If you could work alongside one chef for a day who would that be?

Heston Blumenthal

Which ingredient will you not eat or cook with?

Coriander (although I always serve some in a bowl for guest to add themselves)

What is on top of your bucket list?

Having my own Baking Show, to share my passion with a wider audience.

What is your food philosophy?

Never stop learning. I love going to workshops and learning new skills. Everyone seems to have a different way of approaching food and it’s wonderful to immerse yourself in their world for a bit. I’m also all about flavour. How can I bring out the most flavour.

Any parting words for the readers?

Food is a great big, exciting world, never stop exploring it.

I would like to thank Nadia Hearn from Get-Published for facilitating this interview with Grace Stevens.

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime June 10:

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12 thoughts on “Grace Stevens Answers Questions For The Blog

  1. What a great interview, Tandy. I hope Grace gets to have her own baking show one day – I think she’d be fabulous!

  2. Thanks, Tandy.I can fully understand the passion of cooks. I used to love cooking and really enjoy the whole subject of food, but my husband has kindly taken over (no dab hand he…) as my writing runs level and I don’t have time to do both I do hope that Grace gets her own cooking show. Bet she’d be great! .Cheers. x

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