I Take A Day Off From Blogging

I take a day off!

I have had an emotional 26 hours, a myriad of things have happened since 6am yesterday morning, and I just don’t have the energy to type up my blog post. I did not have time to do it yesterday due to back to back meetings. I also have not been around reading many blogs, and if I have missed yours out then please accept my apologies. My wordpress reader is overwhelmed with blog love. I have just installed RSS Popper and will slowly start setting it up. I tried to do google reader but that was not working for me. So, please be patient with me, I will be back tomorrow 🙂 But, in the meantime, I Take A Day Off.

I have been nominated, together with 9 other amazing bloggers, for an award and I would so appreciate your vote.

I Take A Day Off - Best Local Food Blogger
Best Local Food Blog

No matter where I end up, to be counted as one of the top 10 is an honour. And the people who stand alongside me are all great bloggers (and great friends)!

EDIT: Thank you for all the support. And to everyone who voted for me. I did not win the award. But that is not why I blog. I blog because I love sharing my life with people. And because I love creating recipes.

With thanks and blog love

Lavender and Lime Signature

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34 thoughts on “I Take A Day Off From Blogging

  1. Like I told Charles from Five Euro Food, A wise blogger knows when to rest… and not beat themselves up for doing so. Get the break you need, we will all be here when you get back! Cheers! I voted as well!

  2. Sorry to hear about your trying time, do not worry it shall pass and the sun will be shining brighter on the other side & Good Luck, just voted.

  3. Hi Tandy!
    I have already voted 🙂 Don’t worry about not been able to read and/or comment on every blog you follow, look how late I’m commenting this one (sorry by the way). Good luck with contest and congratulations!

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