Once Upon A River, Diane Setterfield

Once Upon A River opening line: There was once an inn that sat peacefully on the bank of the Thames at Radcot, a long day’s walk from the source.

Once Upon A River

My blurb:

Joe Bliss can tell a story, and it is why people travel to The Swan. But nothing can hold the attention of the guests of the inn more so than that of the story unfolding before them. Not even Joe could have made up the twists and turns of the narrative forming in front of their eyes. First the child was dead, and then she was not. And what happened before and after is quite unbelievable.

Once Upon A River
On a dark midwinter’s night in an ancient inn on the Thames, the regulars are entertaining themselves by telling stories when the door bursts open and in steps an injured stranger. In his arms is the drowned corpse of a child.
Hours later, the dead girl stirs, takes and breath and returns to life.
Is it a miracle?
Is it magic?
And who does the little girl belong to?
My verdict:

I really did not think I would like this book after reading the blurb. Usually a book set in the 19th Century does not grab my attention. But this one did, right from the first page. A brilliantly written novel by Diane Setterfield covering the topics of the time.

Publishing information:
ISBN 9780857525666
Format Trade Paperback
Published January 2019

Disclosure: I was sent the book to review by Penguin Random House South Africa. I was not required to write a positive review. This post is in line with my blogging policy.

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime October 13:

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6 thoughts on “Once Upon A River, Diane Setterfield

  1. I need a change of genre, this could be just what I need now. Thanks Tandy. I’m sure it is very well written and the 19th century was always full of suspicion, mysticism and possible magic.

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