Secret Santa Round Up 2011

I want to thank each and every blogger who signed up for Secret Santa – even those I had to disappoint as they were the only bloggers in their country. I had a few bloggers pull out after the assignments were set and to this end I have to thank a friend for stepping in at the last minute to take part. Some bloggers who signed up failed to follow up – but, that is their loss. Here is the Secret Santa Round Up for 2011.

Secret Santa Round Up

The first blog post is from Blue Jellybeans from Spain. Having only two bloggers in Spain taking part, they were each other’s Secret Santa and you can read all about Chica Andaluza’s gift here. I was surprised as I did not put my name in the hat so to speak, but I did get a gift box, full of lovely goodies – take a look. Pretty Little Thing has showcased her gifts here. Sous Chef Secret Santa sent her some interesting products which you can see here. Mandy got a lovely bounty from Colleen. Teri, The Freshman Cook got an amazing gift from Bexx. Bexx’ Santa chose to stay secret, but you can see what she sent here. Usha received some treats and some seeds – take a look.

I will continue to edit this post as I see more blogs surfacing.

In the meantime I would like to wish each and everyone of my readers a blessed Christmas and/or Hanukkah if you are celebrating. And whether you do or don’t celebrate, have a great December. We are on leave from work from the 15th of December until the 9th of January – and I am taking leave of blogland for that time as well. This is the time of the year I get to celebrate my wedding anniversary and do things that I don’t get to during the year, like write about our holiday we took in France this year April and May. I will also start work on my second recipe book and cook and bake up a storm. I will be back here with a post on the 28th however, so do come and take a look then.

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly
Lavender and Lime Signature

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34 thoughts on “Secret Santa Round Up 2011

  1. Ah thanks for organising this Tandy. My postman only comes once a week on Fridays, so I am on the lookout for him! Have a wonderful, relaxing break and we look forward to seeing you back in Blogland soon. All the very best to you and yours for Christmas and the New Year 🙂

    1. Thanks Tanya – your village is smaller than ours it seems. Have a super time with your Mom and Dad and may 2012 hold all your dreams 🙂

  2. Hi Tandy, thank you for all of your help and assistance, and wish you and yours a happy and safe festive season and all the very best for 2012. Looking forward to lots more interaction and inspiration during 2012.

  3. Have a wonderful break over the December holiday season, wishing you and those close by you a very happy and successful twentytwelve. Joyful blessings Yvette x

  4. Have a beautiful festive season my friend. Enjoy your rest, and look forward to hearing all about your trip to France. Lots of love xxx

  5. Pffffffft……look how late I am trying to catch up on blogs….*blush* didnt even know you had done a round up…I got the most awesome gift from my Secret Santa. It only came in January but she did let me know that it was going to be late and it was worth waiting for 🙂 I will do a blog post about it asap. I took photos but with everything going on in my life I didn’t have time to blog. Sorry for being so late xx

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