True Grit Farmers Market, Helderberg, South Africa

True Grit Farmers Market

True Grit Farmers Market no longer exists! post left up for reference purposes only.

When we are in Europe Dave and I shop every day at a local market. I like having the choice of fresh vegetables, fruit and bread. When I read that True Grit Farmers Market was opening 7km from our home I was really excited. There were promises of fresh produce available and I had really high expectations. Dave and I set off just after 9am, in the rain to show our support.

True Grit Farmers Market
True Grit Farmers Market
Our first visit

We used the coordinates given on the Facebook page and followed Google maps to a farm in the wrong direction. I then looked at the address and realized I knew where True Grit was. The signage was terrible and we had to drive up a rutted road to park, but we found it. We started off with two espressi and then walked around. There was a young lady selling avocados which I did not buy as I had some at home, but kept in mind for our next visit. Dave bought himself a pastry for breakfast and I had a gluten-free, sugar-free chocolate brownie. We found the vegetable stand where everything was marked at either R5 or R10. I bought a large cauliflower, leeks and radishes. The produce comes from the Philippi farms and I like the idea of supporting these farmers.

Trying to go again

The following weekend Dave and I were at the motor racing and so we did not go to the market. The next weekend we drove up there to see that it was closed. I checked the Facebook page and they had put a notice up saying that due to the storm they would not be open. The next weekend they showed as being open so Dave and I drove up, only to find them closed. Our next available Saturday was the 7th of July so tried again.

Stands We Bought From
Stands We Bought From
Our second visit

As I truly believe in supporting local people Dave and I drove up to the market, hoping for a great selection of fresh, farmers produce. We found honey for sale which is a great thing as it is so important to eat local honey. There is a lady selling her own duck and chicken eggs, as well as her own free range chickens. You can buy artisanal bread and gluten-free treats. But it is the fresh produce that I was after and thankfully the young man was back at his stall. The prices have been adjusted slightly. I came home with a large red cabbage, 1 beetroot, three tomatoes and two lemons for R45. You can also buy cheese and farm butter which is slightly salted. I bought a block for R45 and will certainly be back to buy more.

Going back?

They will never be open each Saturday as the stalls are outside and therefore the weather will affect them. Make sure to check their Facebook page for updates.

What We Bought
What We Bought
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime August 16:

Dave and I are away for motor racing. We will be back at work on the 22nd of August. I will start replying to comments as soon as I have caught up on work.
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17 thoughts on “True Grit Farmers Market, Helderberg, South Africa

  1. An interesting visit, Tandy. I don’t go to farmers markets as I have had bad experiences with them. Cape Town is probably better in this regard.

  2. It can be difficult to get a true Farmer’s Market off the ground, but it sounds like you had quite a run around and it’s all a bit of a hit and miss affair.
    Unless I did my calculations wrong (always a possibility) the prices seem very high, too. Is your Rand worth about 95cAu? If that’s correct, that’s some very pricey cheese!

  3. I love being able to shop for daily veggies but we do not have that option here, sounds like a nice famers market when it is open.

  4. I love local markets. It’s something I always do whenever I travel. No better way to support local growers while learning about regional produce (and eating yummy food of course!).

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